216 J Buder, C Schwind/ Computers in Human Behavior 28(2012)207-216 Conference on Computer Suppor ive Work (pp 241-250). New York, Rafaeli, S, Barak, M, Dan-Gur, Y.& Toch, E.(2004). QSIA-A Web-based NY: ACM Press. doi: 10. 1145/35 for learning assessin Herlocker, J. L, Konstan, J. A Terveen, L G,& RiedL, J. T.(2004). Evaluating ollaborative filtering recommender systems. ACM Transactions on Information Rashid, A. M, Ling. K Tassone, R. D Resnick, P, Kraut, R,& Riedl, J(2006). Hsu, M-H(200S) Proposing an ESL recommender teaching and learning odden, P. Aoki, E. Cutrell, R. Jeffries, &G. Olson(Eds ) Proceedings of the ACM ms with Applications, 34 on Human Factors in Computing Systems(pp. 955-958)New onas, E, Schulz-Hardt, S, Frey, D.& Thelen, N. (2001) Confirmation bias in Recker, M. M, walker. ss,K(2003). What do you recommend rces for education. Instructional Science, 31, 299-316. doi: 10. 1023/ Social Psychology, 80, 557-571 3514804.557. Karau, S.J& williams, K D (1993). 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