This sex which Is not One Commodities Themselves how can relationships among women be accounted for in this system of love”(p.158), but her fixation on“ the lady” was explained all erself), as soon as she speaks(expresses herself, to herself), a the same by the fact that"her lady's slender figure, severe 如 woman..a-man., As sooirasshe-has any relationship" with beauty and downright manner reminded her of the brother who another woman, she is homosexual, and therefore masculine. was a little older than herself(p. 156) Freud makes this clear in his analyses of female homosexual How can we account for this"perversion"of the sexual func- signed to a"normal "woman? Our psychoanalyst's in- A woman chooses homosexuality only by virtue of a"mas- erpretation encounters some difficulty here. The phenomenon culinity complex"(p. 169). Whether this complex is a"direct of female homosexuality appears so foreign to his"theory, "to nd unchanged continuation of an infantile fixation"(p. 168)or his(cultural)imaginary, that it cannot help but be "neglected a regression toward an earlier"masculinity complex, " it is only by psychoanalytic research"(p. 147) as a man that the female homosexual can desire a woman who reminds Thus to avoid a serious challenge to his new science, he has to her of a man. That is why women in homosexual relationship refer this awkward problem back to an anatomo-physiological can play the roles of mother and child or husband and wife cause:"of course the constitutional factor is undoubtedly of without distinction decisive importance. And Freud is on the lookout for anatom The mother stands for phallie-power; the child is always a cal indications that would account for the homosexuality--the am little boy: the husband is a father-man. And the woman? She uality- of his“ patient.”“ Certain doesnt exist. She adopts the disguise that she is told to put was no obvious deviation from the feminine physical type, "she on. She acts out the role that is imposed on her. The only thing was"beautiful and well-made, "and presented no"menstrual really required of her is that she keep intact the circulation of disturbance "but she had, "it is true, her father's tall figure, pretense by enveloping herself in femininity. Hence the fault, the and her facial features were sharp rather than soft and girlish, infraction, the misconduct, and the challenge that female ho- traits which might be regarded as indicating a physical mas mosexuality entails. The problem can be minimized if female culinity, "and in addition"some of her intellectual attributes homosexuality is regarded merely as an imitation of male also could be connected with masculinity"(p. 154). But the psycho-analyst customarily forgoes a thorough physical examination of his patients in certain cases"(p. 154) in her behaviour towards her love-object, "the female homosexual, Freuds at any rate, " throughout assumed the If he had not refrained from looking, what might Freud have masculine part(p. 154); not only did she choose a"feminine discovered as anatomical proof of the homosexuality, the mas- love-object, "but she also " developed a masculine attitude to- ine homosexuality, of his"patient"? Wha ould his desire wards that object"(p. 154). She"changed into a man and took his inadmissible desire, for disguises have led him to"see""? To her [phallic] mother in place of her father as the object of her cover up all those fantasies with a still anatomo-physiological de,ie objectivity, he merely mentions"probably hermaphroditic ov. a Case of Hon in Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Frend, ed. James aries"(p. 172). And finally he dismisses the girl, advising her ls.( London,1953-1974,18:147-171 parents that" if they set store by the therapeutic procedure it should be continued by a woman doctor"(p. 164)
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