Calling To Say Goodbye 打电话告别 A:Miss Lin,I'm calling to say goodbye. 甲:林小姐,我打电话来告别。 B:No,no so soon.I feel you have just come. 乙:时间过得真快,我感觉你好象刚刚来。 A:I have the same feeling.But all good things 甲:我也有同感。但正像人们常说的“天下 must come to an end as they say. 没有不散的宴席”。 B:We're sorry that you couldn't stay longer. 乙:很遗憾你不能再多呆些日子。 A:I wish I could stay a little longer,but lots to do 甲:我真希望能多呆段时间,但是家里还有 back home. 很多事情等着去做。 B:Have you had your ticket confirmed already? 乙:你已经确认机票了吗? A:Yes,I did it at the reception desk.But can you 甲:是的,我在服务台确认的。你能帮我个 do me a favor?I want to stay in Beijing for 忙吗?我想在北京住乙夜,你能帮我预 one night.And can you book a single room 定个单人房吗? there? 乙:没问题,我来办。几点的航班? B:No problem.I'll take care of that.What's the 甲:下午2点。 time of the flight. A:At 2 p.m. 乙:那么我们必须在起飞前一小时到机场。 在11点之前结帐好吗?我们接你直接去 B:Then we must arrive at the airport an hour 机场。我们在附近的餐馆吃午饭。 before departure time.Will you please check 甲:好的,谢谢你。 out by 11?We'll pick you up and head straight to the airport.We shall have lunch at a nearby restaurant. A:OK.Thank you very much.15 Calling To Say Goodbye A: Miss Lin, I'm calling to say goodbye. B: No, no so soon. I feel you have just come. A: I have the same feeling. But all good things must come to an end as they say. B: We're sorry that you couldn't stay longer. A: I wish I could stay a little longer, but lots to do back home. B: Have you had your ticket confirmed already? A: Yes, I did it at the reception desk. But can you do me a favor? I want to stay in Beijing for one night. And can you book a single room there? B: No problem. I'll take care of that. What's the time of the flight. A: At 2 p.m. B: Then we must arrive at the airport an hour before departure time. Will you please check out by 11? We'll pick you up and head straight to the airport. We shall have lunch at a nearby restaurant. A: OK. Thank you very much. 打电话告别 甲:林小姐,我打电话来告别。 乙:时间过得真快,我感觉你好象刚刚来。 甲:我也有同感。但正像人们常说的“天下 没有不散的宴席”。 乙:很遗憾你不能再多呆些日子。 甲:我真希望能多呆段时间,但是家里还有 很多事情等着去做。 乙:你已经确认机票了吗? 甲:是的,我在服务台确认的。你能帮我个 忙吗?我想在北京住乙夜,你能帮我预 定个单人房吗? 乙:没问题,我来办。几点的航班? 甲:下午2点。 乙:那么我们必须在起飞前一小时到机场。 在11点之前结帐好吗?我们接你直接去 机场。我们在附近的餐馆吃午饭。 甲:好的,谢谢你
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