Calling To Say Goodbye I'm calling to say good-bye.我打电话前来告别。表 A:Miss Lin,I'm calling to sa 示辞行的说法还有: B:No,no so soon.I feel you have just come. I'm sorry,but I have to go. A:I have the same feeling.But all good things 对不起,我该走了。 come to an end:终止,结束 must come to an end as they say. All good things must come to an end. B:We're sorry that you couldn't stay longer. 天下没有不散的宴席。 A:I wish I could stay a little longer,but lots to do wish后面接宾语从句要用虚拟语气。 back home. I wish I know what was going to happen. B:Have you had your ticket confirmed already? 但愿我能知道将要发生什么事情。 I wish you hadn't told all this. A:Yes,I did it at the reception desk.But can you 我倒是希望你当初别把这一切都告诉我。 do me a favor?I want to stay in Beijing for confirm:证实,肯定,确认,批准 one night.And can you book a single room His silence confirmed his guilt. there? 他的沉默证实他有罪。 B:No problem.I'll take care of that.What's the When asked she confirmed that she would retire. time of the flight. 有人问起她时,她肯定了她要退休。 A:At 2 p.m. When do you think the president will conform you B:Then we must arrive at the airport an hour in office? before departure time.Will you please check 你认为总统会在什么时候批准你上任? dosb.a favor:帮某人忙 out by 11?We'll pick you up and head Would you do me a favor and turn off that radio? straight to the airport.We shall have lunch at 劳驾,请把收音机关上好吗? a nearby restaurant. A:OK.Thank you very much.14 Calling To Say Goodbye A: Miss Lin, I'm calling to say goodbye. B: No, no so soon. I feel you have just come. A: I have the same feeling. But all good things must come to an end as they say. B: We're sorry that you couldn't stay longer. A: I wish I could stay a little longer, but lots to do back home. B: Have you had your ticket confirmed already? A: Yes, I did it at the reception desk. But can you do me a favor? I want to stay in Beijing for one night. And can you book a single room there? B: No problem. I'll take care of that. What's the time of the flight. A: At 2 p.m. B: Then we must arrive at the airport an hour before departure time. Will you please check out by 11? We'll pick you up and head straight to the airport. We shall have lunch at a nearby restaurant. A: OK. Thank you very much. I’m calling to say good-bye. 我打电话前来告别。表 示辞行的说法还有: I’m sorry, but I have to go. 对不起,我该走了。 come to an end: 终止,结束 All goodthings must come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席。 wish后面接宾语从句要用虚拟语气。 I wish I know what was going to happen. 但愿我能知道将要发生什么事情。 I wish you hadn’t told all this. 我倒是希望你当初别把这一切都告诉我。 confirm: 证实,肯定,确认,批准 His silence confirmed his guilt. 他的沉默证实他有罪。 When askedshe confirmed thatshe would retire. 有人问起她时,她肯定了她要退休。 When do you think the president will conform you in office? 你认为总统会在什么时候批准你上任? do sb. a favor: 帮某人忙 Would you do me a favor and turn off that radio? 劳驾,请把收音机关上好吗?
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