Unit7 Living Abroad Difficult Sentences长难句 The experience of living in another culture can also teach us how"strange"some of our own assumptions are. 置身异国文化的经历还让我们懂得了我们原先的一些设想是多么的“不可思议” "how'strange'some of our own assumptionsare'”是名词性从句。名词性从句 的功能相当于名词词组 可在句中作主语、表语、宾语和同位语。引导名词性从句的有连 接词“that、whether 和f",关系代词"who”、"whom”、“whose”、 "what"、 'which".“whatever" "whichever”"、"hoever'”及关系副词"when"、"where"和 how。 Which team will win the match is still not certain.(作主语) 哪支球队将羸得比赛还不确定。 The question is whether she can speak English.(作表语) 问题是她是否能说英语。 We heard the news that our team had won.(作同位语) 我们听到了我们球队获胜的消息。 I wonder who he is.(作宾语) 我想知道他是谁。 We just usually do not think about them since they inform and guide us all the time without us consciously referencing them 只是我们通常不会去想这些观点,因为我们会毫无意识地提及这些观点,却意识不到这些 观点一直在我们眼前引导着我们。 "without us consciously referencing them”在这里作条件状语,相当于""if we do not consciously reference them"。在此结构中,"us"是后面动词"referencing'”的逻辑主 语.故"reference”用现在分词形式表示主动。如果相对于逻辑主语来说不是施动者.而 是受动者,表示被动动作,那么动词要用过去分词形式。 Very few people go abroad with all the details worked out. 很少有人在出国前就把一切细节都计划好了。 Unit 7 Living Abroad Difficult Sentences 长难句 The experience of living in another culture can also teach us how "strange" some of our own assumptions are. 置身异国文化的经历还让我们懂得了我们原先的一些设想是多么的“不可思议”。 “how ‘strange’some of our own assumptions are” 是名词性从句。名词性从句 的功能相当于名词词组,可在句中作主语、表语、宾语和同位语。引导名词性从句的有连 接词“that”、“whether”和“if”,关系代词“who”、“whom”、“whose”、“what”、 “which”、“whatever”、“whichever”、“whoever”及关系副词“when”、“where”和 “how”。 Which team will win the match is still not certain.(作主语) 哪支球队将赢得比赛还不确定。 The question is whether she can speak English.(作表语) 问题是她是否能说英语。 We heard the news that our team had won.(作同位语) 我们听到了我们球队获胜的消息。 I wonder who he is.(作宾语) 我想知道他是谁。 We just usually do not think about them since they inform and guide us all the time without us consciously referencing them. 只是我们通常不会去想这些观点,因为我们会毫无意识地提及这些观点,却意识不到这些 观点一直在我们眼前引导着我们。 “without us consciously referencing them”在这里作条件状语,相当于“if we do not consciously reference them”。在此结构中,“us”是后面动词“referencing”的逻辑主 语,故“reference”用现在分词形式表示主动。如果相对于逻辑主语来说不是施动者,而 是受动者,表示被动动作,那么动词要用过去分词形式。 Very few people go abroad with all the details worked out. 很少有人在出国前就把一切细节都计划好了
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