2014天目山野外生物学实习小论文 浙江西夭目山竹林与非竹林植被中苔藓植物的物 种多样性调查与比较 李鼎1蒋垠飞1·徐铭兼1 (复旦大学生命科学学院,上海200433) 摘要:通过对于浙江西天目山方竹林群落地区与非竹林群落地区6块样地苔藓的调查,我们对浙江 西天目山竹林地区与非竹林地区的主要苔藓植物的多样性进行了分析,并进行了比较。实验结果 表明:实验中共采集15科25属38种,其中非竹林群落中,藓类植物有20属29种,在竹林群落中, 藓类植物有17属19种。非竹林群落和竹林群落的苔藓优势科和苔藓的种类有明显区别,非竹林群 落的优势科为青藓科,而竹林群落的优势科为羽藓科。与此同时,通过对比非竹林生境和竹林生 境中苔藓的多样性指数,我们发现苔藓在非竹林中的多样性、物种丰富度以及分布的均匀度均髙 于竹林生境 关键词:毛竹林,优势科,盖度,多样性指数 Investigation and comparison of bryophytic species diversity between the areas planted with phyllostachys pubescens and those are not. Ding Li, Yingfei Jiang, Mingjian Xu' School of life sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 20043 Abstract: Within the investigation on the bryophytes in 6 sampling plots which were respectively collected from the area planted with phyllostachys pubescens and those are not, we analyzed the diversity of these bryophytes from the two area and compared the result. The result illustrated that there were 38 species of bryophytes belonging to 25 genera and 15 families. 29 species of bryophytes belonging 20 genera among these bryophytes are collected in the forests without phyllostachys pubescens. Relatively, there are 19 species of bryophytes belonging 17 genera among these bryophytes are gathered from the phyllostachys pubescens forests. The bryophytes species in the forests with phyllostachys pubescens and those without phyllostachys pubescens are remarkably distinguishing. The dominant family of the forests without phyllostachys pubescens is brachytheciaceae. To the contrary, The dominant family of the phyllostachys pubescens forests is Thuidiaceae. Meanwhile, through comparing the diversity index of the forests without phyllostachys pubescens to that of the forests with phyllostachys pubescens, we found that the diversity, species richness and evenness of the former habitat are all higher than the latter one Key words: phyllostachys pubescens forest, dominant family, coverage, diversity index 共同第一作者Authorforcorrespondence.Emal:11307110022@fudan.edu.cn2014 天目山野外生物学实习小论文 浙江西天目山竹林与非竹林植被中苔藓植物的物 种多样性调查与比较 李鼎1* 蒋垠飞1* 徐铭兼1 (复旦大学生命科学学院,上海 200433) 摘要:通过对于浙江西天目山方竹林群落地区与非竹林群落地区6块样地苔藓的调查,我们对浙江 西天目山竹林地区与非竹林地区的主要苔藓植物的多样性进行了分析,并进行了比较。实验结果 表明:实验中共采集15科25属38种,其中非竹林群落中,藓类植物有20属29种,在竹林群落中, 藓类植物有17属19种。非竹林群落和竹林群落的苔藓优势科和苔藓的种类有明显区别,非竹林群 落的优势科为青藓科,而竹林群落的优势科为羽藓科。与此同时,通过对比非竹林生境和竹林生 境中苔藓的多样性指数,我们发现苔藓在非竹林中的多样性、物种丰富度以及分布的均匀度均高 于竹林生境。 关键词:毛竹林,优势科,盖度,多样性指数。 Investigation and comparison of bryophytic species diversity between the areas planted with phyllostachys pubescens and those are not. Ding Li1, Yingfei Jiang1, Mingjian Xu1 School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 Abstract:Within the investigation on the bryophytes in 6 sampling plots which were respectively collected from the area planted with phyllostachys pubescens and those are not, we analyzed the diversity of these bryophytes from the two area and compared the result. The result illustrated that there were 38 species of bryophytes belonging to 25 genera and 15 families. 29 species of bryophytes belonging 20 genera among these bryophytes are collected in the forests without phyllostachys pubescens. Relatively, there are 19 species of bryophytes belonging 17 genera among these bryophytes are gathered from the phyllostachys pubescens forests. The bryophytes species in the forests with phyllostachys pubescens and those without phyllostachys pubescens are remarkably distinguishing. The dominant family of the forests without phyllostachys pubescens is brachytheciaceae. To the contrary, The dominant family of the phyllostachys pubescens forests is Thuidiaceae. Meanwhile,through comparing the diversity index of the forests without phyllostachys pubescens to that of the forests with phyllostachys pubescens, we found that the diversity, species richness and evenness of the former habitat are all higher than the latter one. Key words:phyllostachys pubescens forest, dominant family, coverage, diversity index. * 共同第一作者 Author for correspondence.Email:11307110022@fudan.edu.cn
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