European Journal of International Relations 10(1) Table 4 A Secular Change in the Nature of Life Goals? Goal Post- Epoch of Traditional Materialist Materialist Currency Issue (Classical) (Historical) (Cultural) Total N Pre-1920 402 91 30 523 (77%) (17%) (6%) (100%) 1920-49 239 211 27 477 (50%) (44%) (6%) (100%) 1950-79 45 131 80 256 (18%) (51%) (31%) (100%) 1980-on 3 69 81 153 (2%) (45%) (53%) (100%) Total N 689 502 218 1409 (49%) (36%) (15%) (100%) Pearson's chi-squared (6):525.726;p-0.000 As might be expected given the preceding results,the two key axes Meyer and Inglehart identify-the locus of actorhood and the nature of goals- work in tandem.In all,65%of images depicting the state also feature classical themes;56%of images depicting society also feature historical themes;and 69%of images depicting individuals also feature cultural themes.Overall,61%of the images are located down the left-to-right diagonal of Table 1,while a Cohen's kappa test shows that only 39%would have been expected there from random chance.The probability of this relationship occurring by chance is 0,and the kappa score is 0.41. Overall,the cultural shift'hypothesis is strongly supported by these findings.A qualitative look at the data also reinforces this conclusion.Here I offer a holistic appreciation;the interested reader can also consult the appendix to this article,which reprints images of Dutch banknotes to show the 'cultural shift'as it played out in that case (which is also discussed in Section 4 later). Consider some of the more popular images from different epochs: In the period before 1920,popular images include mythical female symbols of states in flowing robes,such as Great Britain's 'Britannia'(78 images),Sweden's 'Svea'(22 images),Germany's'Germania'(18 images), Austria's 'Austria'(13 images),Italy's 'Italia'and 'Roma'(3 images)and Portugal's 'Lusitania'(1 image).Also making a strong showing are 14 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner.Further reproduction prohibited without permission.Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission
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