Outlinesrequrements and time The pathological tissue which has almost the same density as the adjacent structures cannot be seen on plain film. Artificial contrast is needed to create a density difference CONTRAST RADIOGRAPHY(Never say“Dye”) Barium studies(BAS,UGI,LGI/BE) ● (Percutaneous Transhepatic/ravenous) Urography(Ki ney function)(IV) ● 的een rography X-RAY: AD rmal IVP and ftered and excreted by the kidneys. injected intravenously Barium enema AP view of a m outlining the lumen of the large bowel (high density-) X-Rav Upper gastrointestinal tract study Normal AP supine view of the abdomen following the ora administration of barium4 Outlines, requirements and time allocation ⚫ The pathological tissue which has almost the same density as the adjacent structures cannot be seen on plain film. ⚫ Artificial contrast is needed to create a density difference. CONTRAST RADIOGRAPHY (Never say “Dye”) ⚫ Barium studies (BAS, UGI, LGI/BE) ⚫ Bronchography ⚫ Cholangiography(Percutaneous Transhepatic/Intravenous) ⚫ Urography (Kidney function) (IV) ⚫ Pyelography (Retrograde) ⚫ Angiography/Venography ⚫ Arthrography ⚫ Hysterosalpingography X-RAY: Normal IVP (intravenous pyelography, same as intravenous urography). AP view of abdomen in supine position. Iodine compound (contrast) is injected intravenously and filtered and excreted by the kidneys. Contrast medium in bilateral renal collecting system with increased density X-RAY: Barium enema AP view of abdomen with barium instilled retrograde into the colon under fluoroscopic control. Barium outlining the lumen of the large bowel (high density-). X-Ray: ⚫ Upper gastrointestinal tract study. ⚫ Normal AP supine view of the abdomen following the oral administration of barium
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