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[65]王凌,周刚,许烨,等. 求解不相关平行机混合流水线调 度问题的人工蜂群算法[ J]. 控制理论与应用, 2012, 29(12): 1551⁃1557. WANG LING, ZHOU GANG,XU YE, et al. An artificial bee colony algorithm for solving hybrid flow⁃shop schedu⁃ ling problem with unrelated parallel machines[ J]. Control Theory and Applications, 2012, 29(12): 1551⁃1557. [66]WANG X L, XIE X Z, CHENG T C E. A modified artifi⁃ cial bee colony algorithm for order acceptance in two⁃ma⁃ chine flow shops[J]. International Journal of Production E⁃ conomics, 2013, 141: 14⁃23. [67]LIN S W, YING K C. Increasing the total net revenue for single machine order acceptance and scheduling problems using an artificial bee colony algorithm[J]. Journal of Op⁃ erational Research Society, 2013, 64: 293⁃311. [68]SHI Y J, QU F Z, CHEN W, et al. An artificial bee colo⁃ ny with random key for resource⁃constrained project sched⁃ uling [ C] / / Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany, 2010: 148⁃157. [69]孙晓雅,林焰. 任务可定点拆分的资源受限项目调度问 题研究[J]. 微电子学与计算机, 2011, 28(11): 53⁃56. SUN Xiaoya, LIN Yan. A study on resource⁃constrained project scheduling with splitable at fixed point[J]. Microe⁃ lectronics and Computer, 2011, 28(11): 53⁃56. [70]SZETO W Y, WU Y Z, HO S C. An artificial bee colony algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem[ J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 215 (1): 126⁃135. [71]SUNDAR S, SINGH A, ROSSI A. An artificial bee colony algorithm for the 0⁃1 multidimensional knapsack problem [ J]. Communications in Computer and Information Sci⁃ ence, 2010, 94(1): 41⁃151. [72]SINGH A. An artificial bee colony algorithm for the leaf⁃ constrained minimum spanning tree problem[ J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2009, 9(2): 625⁃631. [73]COBANLI S, OZTURK A, GUVENC U,et al. Active pow⁃ er loss minimization in electric power systems through arti⁃ ficial bee colony algorithm[ J]. International Review of E⁃ lectrical Engineering, 2010(5): 2217⁃2223. [74]ÖZYÖN S, YASAR C, ÖZCAN G, et al. An artificial bee colony algorithm ( ABC) approach to environmental eco⁃ nomic power dispatch problems [ C] / / The 2011 National Electrical⁃electronics and Computer Symposium. [ S. l.], Turkey, 2011: 222⁃228. [75]REZAEI A M, KARAMI A. Artificial bee colony algorithm for solving multi⁃objective optimal power problem[ J]. In⁃ ternational Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Sys⁃ tems, 2013, 53: 219⁃230. [76]HEMAMALINI S, SIMON S P. Artificial bee colony algo⁃ rithm for economic load dispatch problem with non⁃smooth cost functions [ J]. Electric Power Components and Sys⁃ tems, 2010, 38(7): 786⁃803. [77]AYAN K, KILIC U. Artificial bee colony algorithm for op⁃ timal reactive power flow [ J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2012, 12(5): 1477⁃1482. [78]GOVARDHAN M, ROY R. Gbest based artificial bee colo⁃ ny optimization for unit commitment problem[C] / / Inter⁃ national Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability. Kanyakumari, India, 2013: 1138⁃1143. [79]AKAY B, KARABOGA D. Artificial bee colony algorithm for large⁃scale problems and engineering design optimiza⁃ tion[ J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2010, 23 (4): 1001⁃1014. [80] SUN H, LUS H, BETTI R. Identification of structural models using a modified artificial bee colony algorithm[J]. Computers and Structures, 2013, 116: 59⁃74. [ 81]YEH W C, HSIEH T J. Solving reliability redundancy allo⁃ cation problems using an artificial bee colony algorithm [J ]. Computers and Operations Research, 2011, 38 (11): 1465⁃1473. [82]KARABOGA D, OZTURK C. A novel clustering approach: artificial bee colony ( ABC) algorithm [ J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2011, 11(1): 652⁃657. [83] HSIEH T J, HSIAO H F, YEH W C. Forecasting stock markets using wavelet transforms and recurrent neural net⁃ works: an integrated system based on artificial bee colony algorithm[ J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2011, 11 ( 2): 2510⁃2525. [84] HORNG M H. Multilevel thresholding selection based on the artificial bee colony algorithm for image segmentation [J]. Expert System with Applications, 2011, 38 ( 11): 13785⁃ 13791. 作者简介: 秦全德,男,1979 年生,讲师,博士, 主要研究仿向为智能计算及其应用、管 理决策与优化。 程适,男,1983 年生,博士,主要研 究方向为演化计算、群体智能算法及其 应用,数据挖掘与分析。 第 2 期 秦全德,等: 人工蜂群算法研究综述 ·135·
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