认识儿童的心理行为发育 Stage 1:Before conditioning Flash bulb Anna blinks Camera Anna does not blink Pavlov经典的条 UCS UCR Neutral Interest-no blinking 件反射理论 (Unconditioned (Unconditioned stimulus stimulus) response) UCS automatically produces UCR.Neutral stimulus does not produce blinking (Pavloy's Classic Stage 2:Conditioning Stage 3:After conditioning conditioning) Flashbulb and camera Anna blinks Camera Anna blinks UCS paired UCR CS CR with neutra (Conditioned (Conditioned stimulus stimulus) response) UCS is paired with neutral stimulus Neutral stimulus(camera)is now the UCS produces UCR. conditioned stimulus.It produces a CR,blinking,which is like the UCR produced by the flashbulb. Figure 1-4 Three steps in classical conditioning.Pavlov经典的条 件反射理论 (Pavlov’s Classic conditioning) 一、认识儿童的心理行为发育
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