工程科学学报,第37卷,第8期:1098-1104,2015年8月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.37,No.8:1098-1104,August 2015 D0l:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2015.08.019:http://journals..ustb.edu.cn 一种支持时延约束的卫星认知网络功率控制算法 肖楠四,梁俊”,刘玉磊”,冉误丹,朱巍”,陈刘伟” 1)空军工程大学信息与导航学院,西安710072)西安通信学院信息安全系,西安710106 ☒通信作者,E-mail:xiaonan(06081210@163.com 摘要针对卫星通信网频谱资源利用率低下的问题,以信道有效容量最大化为优化目标,提出了一种支持时延约束的卫星 Underlay认知无线网络功率控制与优化算法.首先根据网络拓扑结构建立了功率干扰模型,通过引入时域信道相关系数,推 导了完全与非完全信道环境下基于时延约束的认知用户有效容量优化目标函数,并利用Lagrange方法求解得到不同场景下 认知用户的最佳功率调整策略,简化了功率控制优化过程,最后通过实验仿真分析了影响认知用户信道有效容量的因素.结 果表明,该算法能够根据业务时延约束条件和信道衰落特性变化动态调整认知用户的最佳发送功率,与等功率分配算法相比 认知用户的信道有效容量得到了明显提高. 关键词卫星通信:认知无线电:功率控制:延迟:算法 分类号T927.2 Power allocation algorithm supporting delay constraints for satellite cognitive radio networks XIAO Nan,LIANG Jun,LIU Yu-ei,RAN Hao-dan?),ZHU Wei,CHEN Liu-ei 1)Information and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University,Xi'an 710077,China 2)Department of Information Security,Xi'an Academy of Telecommunications,Xi'an 710106,China Corresponding author,E-mail:xiaonan06081210@163.com ABSTRACT A power allocation algorithm supporting delay constrains which maximizes the channel effective capacity of secondary users for satellite "Underlay"cognitive radio networks is proposed to improve the spectrum utilization of a satellite communication system.A power interference model is established based on the topology of satellite cognitive radio networks first,and then the object functions of effective capacity are derived both in perfect and imperfect channel state information environments.The Lagrange method is used to obtain the optimized transmitting power of secondary users by introducing the time-domain channel correlation coefficient. Optimized power adjusting strategies under different scenes are discussed while the power allocating and optimizing process is simpli- fied.Factors which affect the effective capacity of secondary users are analyzed by simulation.The results indicate that the proposed power allocation algorithm can adjust the transmitting power of secondary users according to delay constrains with channel fading char- acteristics,and the channel effective capacity of secondary users is improved obviously compared to the traditional equal power alloca- tion policy. KEY WORDS satellite communication;cognitive radio:power allocation:delay:algorithms 认知无线电(cognitive radio,CR)技术允许认知用 下之间矛盾的一种有效手段.随着认知无线电技术在 户通过频谱感知发现并利用网络中的闲置信道资源, 地面网络中的深入研究与发展,卫星认知网络逐渐得 是缓解可用频谱资源紧张与已分配频谱资源利用率低 到空间通信网络研究者的关注,成为认知无线电技术 收稿日期:2014-04-25 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61501496,61202490):陕西省自然科学基金资助项目(2012M8004)工程科学学报,第 37 卷,第 8 期: 1098--1104,2015 年 8 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 37,No. 8: 1098--1104,August 2015 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2015. 08. 019; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 一种支持时延约束的卫星认知网络功率控制算法 肖 楠1) ,梁 俊1) ,刘玉磊1) ,冉淏丹2) ,朱 巍1) ,陈刘伟1) 1) 空军工程大学信息与导航学院,西安 710077 2) 西安通信学院信息安全系,西安 710106  通信作者,E-mail: xiaonan06081210@ 163. com 摘 要 针对卫星通信网频谱资源利用率低下的问题,以信道有效容量最大化为优化目标,提出了一种支持时延约束的卫星 Underlay 认知无线网络功率控制与优化算法. 首先根据网络拓扑结构建立了功率干扰模型,通过引入时域信道相关系数,推 导了完全与非完全信道环境下基于时延约束的认知用户有效容量优化目标函数,并利用 Lagrange 方法求解得到不同场景下 认知用户的最佳功率调整策略,简化了功率控制优化过程,最后通过实验仿真分析了影响认知用户信道有效容量的因素. 结 果表明,该算法能够根据业务时延约束条件和信道衰落特性变化动态调整认知用户的最佳发送功率,与等功率分配算法相比 认知用户的信道有效容量得到了明显提高. 关键词 卫星通信; 认知无线电; 功率控制; 延迟; 算法 分类号 TN927 + . 2 Power allocation algorithm supporting delay constraints for satellite cognitive radio networks XIAO Nan1)  ,LIANG Jun1) ,LIU Yü-lei1) ,RAN Hao-dan2) ,ZHU Wei1) ,CHEN Liu-wei1) 1) Information and Navigation College,Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710077,China 2) Department of Information Security,Xi’an Academy of Telecommunications,Xi’an 710106,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: xiaonan06081210@ 163. com ABSTRACT A power allocation algorithm supporting delay constrains which maximizes the channel effective capacity of secondary users for satellite“Underlay”cognitive radio networks is proposed to improve the spectrum utilization of a satellite communication system. A power interference model is established based on the topology of satellite cognitive radio networks first,and then the object functions of effective capacity are derived both in perfect and imperfect channel state information environments. The Lagrange method is used to obtain the optimized transmitting power of secondary users by introducing the time-domain channel correlation coefficient. Optimized power adjusting strategies under different scenes are discussed while the power allocating and optimizing process is simpli￾fied. Factors which affect the effective capacity of secondary users are analyzed by simulation. The results indicate that the proposed power allocation algorithm can adjust the transmitting power of secondary users according to delay constrains with channel fading char￾acteristics,and the channel effective capacity of secondary users is improved obviously compared to the traditional equal power alloca￾tion policy. KEY WORDS satellite communication; cognitive radio; power allocation; delay; algorithms 收稿日期: 2014--04--25 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 61501496,61202490) ; 陕西省自然科学基金资助项目( 2012JM8004) 认知无线电( cognitive radio,CR) 技术允许认知用 户通过频谱感知发现并利用网络中的闲置信道资源, 是缓解可用频谱资源紧张与已分配频谱资源利用率低 下之间矛盾的一种有效手段. 随着认知无线电技术在 地面网络中的深入研究与发展,卫星认知网络逐渐得 到空间通信网络研究者的关注,成为认知无线电技术
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