上大Energy Used by the Transportation SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY System 17% Vehicle operation ■Vehicle maintenance 5% ■Vehicle manufacture % Infrastructure provision 1%- ☐Raw material 4% 66% manufacture Energy generation Copyright1998-2007,Dr.Jean-Paul Rodrigue,Dept.of Economics&Geography,Hofstra University.For personal or classroom use ONLY.This material (including graphics)is not public domain and cannot be published,in whole or in part. in ANY form (printed or electronic)and on any media without consent.This includes conference presentations.Permission MUST be requested prior to use.Copyright © 1998-2007, Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Economics & Geography, Hofstra University. For personal or classroom use ONLY. This material (including graphics) is not public domain and cannot be published, in whole or in part, in ANY form (printed or electronic) and on any media without consent. This includes conference presentations. Permission MUST be requested prior to use. Energy Used by the Transportation System
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