Applied Statistics(A).June.01 2.(cont.) C.the bar chart D the stem-and-leaf display A.the mean. B.the mode C.the median D.the variance (4)The conditional probability of event B has occured is given by A.P(A and B)/P(B) B.P(Aand B)/P(A). C.P(A or BVP(B). D.P(A and B)WP(B and A)】 (5)The collection of all possible events is called A.the null set.B.a simple probability. C.a sample space. D.a joint probability. (6)Whic hof th e foll owing is a trues tatement abo ut the binomial pro bability distribution? A.The random variable of interest is C.Each outcome can be classified as either a success,a failure,or a neutral outcome D.The probability of a success must be constant from one trial to the next trial. (7)The sum of the cross-products between values ofat their respective probabilities. P(X),is equal to the A.median. B.variance. C.expected value. D.none of the above (8)The standard error of the mean is equal to: A.the population standard deviation divided by the sample size n. B.the population variance divided by the sample size n-1. C.the population variance divided by the square root of n. D.the population standard deviation divided by the square roo ofn (9)The z-value that is used to construct a 95%confidence interval is: A1.96 B.2.58 C128 D165 (10)Which of the following statements is false? A.There isa different z-value(iecritical value)used for each level of alpha C.It is possible to construct a0%confidence interval estimate for the population mean. D.Alpha is the proportion in the tai ls of the d istribution which are outs ide of the confidence interval. (11)Each of the following are true with respect to Hypothesis testing except for: A.by failing to reject the null hypothesis,one has not proven that the alternative hypothesis is correct B.ifthe nu hypothesis is not rejected,it does not mean thenull istrue D.there are no exceptions,because all of the statements above are true. (1)Ifan individual nul ypothesis,then sh/he has A.made a Type Il erro B.made a decision to reject the nul hypothesis C.increased the power of a statistical test. D.made a Type I error. (13)If the p-value is greater than alpha in a two-tailed test A.a one-tailed test should be used. B.alpha should be changed Applied Statistics (A), June, 2012 3 2.(cont.) C. the bar chart D. the stem-and-leaf display ________(3) The value in a data set that appears most frequently is called: A. the mean. B. the mode. C. the median. D. the variance. ________(4) The conditional probability of event A given event B has occurred is given by: A. P(A and B)/P(B) B. P(A and B)/P(A). C. P(A or B)/P(B). D. P(A and B)/P(B and A). ________(5) The collection of all possible events is called A. the null set. B. a simple probability. C. a sample space. D.a joint probability. ________(6) Whic h of th e foll owing is a true s tatement abo ut the binomial pro bability distribution? A. The random variable of interest is continuous. B. Each outcome is dependent on previous trials. C. Each outcome can be classified as either a success, a failure, or a neutral outcome. D. The probability of a success must be constant from one trial to the next trial. ________(7) The sum of the cross-products between values of “X” at their respective probabilities, P(X), is equal to the A. median. B. variance. C. expected value. D. none of the above ________(8) The standard error of the mean is equal to: A. the population standard deviation divided by the sample size n. B. the population variance divided by the sample size n-1. C. the population variance divided by the square root of n. D. the population standard deviation divided by the square root of n. ________(9) The z-value that is used to construct a 95% confidence interval is: A. 1.96 B. 2.58 C. 1.28 D. 1.65 ________(10) Which of the following statements is false? A. There is a different z-value (i.e., critical value) used for each level of alpha. B. In practice, the population mean is an unknown quantity that is to be estimated. C. It is possible to construct a 100% confidence interval estimate for the population mean. D.Alpha is the prop ortion in th e tai ls of the d istribution w hich are outs ide of th e co nfidence interval. ________(11) Each of the following are true with respect to Hypothesis testing except for: A. by failing to reject the null hypothesis, one has not proven that the alternative hypothesis is correct B. if the null hypothesis is not rejected, it does not mean the null is true C. the statement of the alternative hypothesis always contains an equal sign D. there are no exceptions, because all of the statements above are true. ________(12) If an individual rejects a true null hypothesis, then she/he has: A. made a Type II error. B. made a correct decision to reject the null hypothesis C. increased the power of a statistical test. D. made a Type I error. ________(13) If the p-value is greater than alpha in a two-tailed test: A. a one-tailed test should be used. B. alpha should be changed
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