FIGURE 2.4 Product Evaluation Checklist:Digital Concept Map Product Evaluation Checklist:Digital Concept Map Name Date Rate the digital concept map on the basis of content and layout by checking the appropriate box Content Poor Good &8 Excellent Key ideas are represented ◇ Supporting ideas are logical Information is accurate .Paraphrasing is appropriate D口口口 口口 Comments about the content: Layout Main idea shapes are appropriate .Graphics support concepts .Use of colors is 0000 0000OO .Font is clear and easy to read ◇ Comments about the layout: Overall Evaluation Overall Comments Poor Very Good _Excellent Portfolio Assessr nent.If your assessme ent plan involves determining the overall individ- ual performance Porniicdentta hments n terms analysis,synti s is t in the portfoli products.For e ample,students are ask ork tha demonst es ach vement of a learning objective then to explain why they cho piece and how it shows th target knowledge The tions can be develop metacognitive skills by asking the students to describe what they would do differ- ently to improve their learning. 32 Chapter 232 Chapter 2 Product Evaluation Checklist: Digital Concept Map Content Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent • Key ideas are represented • Supporting ideas are logical • Information is accurate • Paraphrasing is appropriate Comments about the content: • Main idea shapes are appropriate • Supporting idea shapes are appropriate • Connecting lines are meaningful • Graphics support concepts • Use of colors is appropriate • Font is clear and easy to read Comments about the layout: Name ________________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Rate the digital concept map on the basis of content and layout by checking the appropriate box. Overall Evaluation: ____ Poor ____ Fair ____ Good ____ Very Good ____ Excellent Overall Comments: Layout Portfolio Assessment. If your assessment plan involves determining the overall individ￾ual performance of each student, traditional or electronic portfolio assessments can help achieve your goal. Portfolios are used to assess tangible products that exemplify student accomplishments in terms of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. A key component of port￾folios is their requirement for students to self-reflect on their own learning as demonstrated in the portfolio products. For example, students are asked to select a piece of work that demonstrates achievement of a learning objective and then to explain why they chose the piece and how it shows the target knowledge and skills. The reflections can be extended to develop metacognitive skills by asking the students to describe what they would do differ￾ently to improve their learning. Figure 2.4 Product Evaluation Checklist: Digital Concept Map M02_SMAL4150_01_SE_C02.indd 32 2/7/14 8:38 AM
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