Preface may think What enters your mind when you heords organic chemistrySom of "the che the e chem gh maly the study of the con mpasses many skills that are common to othe stry canI ad to improved on the task s For example lanning an organic nthesis r cquires the skills of a umust pn your moves while looing aad,and you must keep nination problems ar problems,in which many s must b ass t e in both case st be learned and then applied to the specimen or com ound under study. The proble in the text fall into two f owle ich plicated problems rec ire you to recall facts from the text and then se one or nore of the problem-solving techniques mentioned above.As each em s,nome or struc ermination-is introduced in the Here are several suggestions that may help you with problem solving: is anizcdintoch pters tha ups.As you that gre In general knowledge of functional groups for help. 2.Use molec ula ar mo It is difficult to visualize the three-dimens onal stru ture of ar 0 cate the struct ural aspe ganic che understandinsterchemist nd are indis ools fo 3.Every effort has s been m o mak c thi Soluti cle attractive,and e ncipal use f this e ok sho ould be to check answers o worked out. The Solu ions Manual should not be used as a substitute for effort:at times struggling with a problem is the only way to teach yourself A Look thr the intormation related to the history of organic chemistry. can be used for a concis review of the text material and can also serve as a reference.After every few chapter Onit has erted.In mos n the Revie textbook where a test might be give ly the place skills needed to solve problems and several important points that might need or tha been ineue the text from a slightly different w. thay.the small self-test that has ws you to te one chapter
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