Stability of Alkenes -Branched alkenes have lower boiling points. -Polarity--Similar to alkanes,haloalkanes. μ=0.33D u=0 c-c CH3 H CH3 H H u=1.7D H=0D cis-2-butene,bp4C trans-2-butene,bp 1C b.p.=60c b.p.=48c difference 2.7 kcal (11 kJ) Stability of Alkenes Measured by heat of hydrogenation 30.3kcal(127k 27.6 kcal (115 kJ) reaction coordinate- Stability of Alkenes Branched alkenes have lower boiling points. Polarity--Similar to alkanes, haloalkanes. Cl C H C H Cl Cl C H C Cl H µ = 1.7 D b.p. = 60ºc µ = 0 D b.p. = 48ºc µ = 0.33 D cis-2-butene, bp 4°C C C H H3C H CH3 µ = 0 trans-2-butene, bp 1°C C C H H H3C CH3 Stability of Alkenes Measured by heat of hydrogenation
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