Performance levels 5 Exceptionally go ood Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates superior understanding of the subject matter, a depth plan for a 1662X project. The student is exceptionally well prepared to proceed to 16.622in- foundation of extensive knowledge, an ability to skillfully use concepts, and a well-organized and 4 Good performance Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates a good understanding of the subject matter can be improved as indicated by comments in the text. The student is prepared to proceed to 16. 622 Ion capability for use of the relevant concepts, and a good plan for a 16 62X project. The section or version 3 Adequate Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates adequate understanding of the relevant material ability to apply the concepts in a relatively simple manner, and a basic plan for a 16 62X project. The section or version can be improved as indicated by comments in the text. The student has the minimum preparation to proceed to 16.622 2 Minimally acceptable Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates only partial familiarity with the subject matter, some capacity to work with the concepts in simple applications, and a partial plan for a 1662X projec Deficiencies are serious enough that the student should make major revisions to this section/version by the next version, or before proceeding 16.622 1 Unacceptable Content is missing, so incomplete, or so full of errors that it does not satisfy minimum requirements of acceptability. The student should completely redo this section/version by the next version, or is not prepared to continue to the 16.622 without repeating 16.621 These performance levels are paraphrased from the definition of MiT grades given in the BulletinPerformance Levels* 5 Exceptionally good Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates superior understanding of the subject matter, a foundation of extensive knowledge, an ability to skillfully use concepts, and a well-organized and indepth plan for a 16.62X project. The student is exceptionally well prepared to proceed to 16.622. 4 Good performance Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates a good understanding of the subject matter, capability for use of the relevant concepts, and a good plan for a 16.62X project. The section or version can be improved as indicated by comments in the text. The student is prepared to proceed to 16.622. 3 Adequate Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates adequate understanding of the relevant material, an ability to apply the concepts in a relatively simple manner, and a basic plan for a 16.62X project. The section or version can be improved as indicated by comments in the text. The student has the minimum preparation to proceed to 16.622. 2 Minimally acceptable Coverage and/or correctness of content demonstrates only partial familiarity with the subject matter, some capacity to work with the concepts in simple applications, and a partial plan for a 16.62X project. Deficiencies are serious enough that the student should make major revisions to this section/version by the next version, or before proceeding 16.622. 1 Unacceptable Content is missing, so incomplete, or so full of errors that it does not satisfy minimum requirements of acceptability. The student should completely redo this section/version by the next version, or is not prepared to continue to the 16.622 without repeating 16.621. * These performance levels are paraphrased from the definition of MIT grades given in the Bulletin