Note On The Topic Before You Read Reading Intercultural Notes Further Information 还有一种在电子邮件中表达情感的方法是用大写字母打出作者 想强调的单词的每个字母: 对不起,我的文章交晚了,但我最近有太多事得做,我这周五 一定能交上去。 这种表达方式的问题是它给人的感觉是作者在朝着读者喊。 在写电子邮件给朋友时,不论是感情符号、在括号内注明情 感还是单词大写都是可行的。但是如果邮件是发给老师或雇主的, 这些做法都会显得太过随意和亲密。在正式邮件中要注意避免的另 外一点是过度使用缩略词。看一看下面这封邮件,(像我一样)试着 猜猜这些缩略词的意思。这封邮件是对我询问人们如何使用电子邮 件的回信。Yet another way of expressing emotions in emails is to capitalize every letter in words which the writer wants to emphasize: Sorry my essay is late but I’ve had A LOT to do lately — I’ll be able to hand it in on Friday! The problem with this form of expression is that it gives the impression that the writer is shouting at the reader! Emoticons, expressions in brackets and capitalized words may be acceptable when emailing friends but are far too informal and intimate for communicating with a teacher or employer. Another feature to avoid in formal emails is excessive use of abbreviations. Look at this email and try to guess (as I did) the meanings of the abbreviations. The email is a response to my request for information on how people use email. Note On The Topic Before You Read Reading Intercultural Notes Further Information 还有一种在电子邮件中表达情感的方法是用大写字母打出作者 想强调的单词的每个字母: 对不起,我的文章交晚了,但我最近有太多事得做,我这周五 一定能交上去。 这种表达方式的问题是它给人的感觉是作者在朝着读者喊。 在写电子邮件给朋友时,不论是感情符号、 在括号内注明情 感还是单词大写都是可行的。但是如果邮件是发给老师或雇主的, 这些做法都会显得太过随意和亲密。在正式邮件中要注意避免的另 外一点是过度使用缩略词。看一看下面这封邮件,(像我一样)试着 猜猜这些缩略词的意思。这封邮件是对我询问人们如何使用电子邮 件的回信
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