Third homework 1. What are the typical acc ident cause theor ies? 2. What inspiration does the Sear ley model give us in prevent ing and contro ll ing accidents? 3. What is the first type of hazard? What is the second type of hazard? What is the difference and connection between them? 4. What are the pr inc ip les of acc ident prevention What are the main methods of acc ident prediction What are the main measures for acc ident prevention? 5. What is the definition and i dent ificat ion method for major hazards? 6. How to conduct a major hazard assessment?Third homework 1. What are the typical accident cause theories? 2. What inspiration does the Searley model give us in preventing and controlling accidents? 3. What is the first type of hazard? What is the second type of hazard? What is the difference and connection between them? 4. What are the principles of accident prevention? What are the main methods of accident prediction? What are the main measures for accident prevention? 5. What is the definition and identification method for major hazards? 6. How to conduct a major hazard assessment?
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