Second homework 1. What is a safety cul ture? Br iefly descr ibe the structure and funct ion of the safety culture? 2. Briefly descr ibe the relat ionship between safety cul ture and safety management? 3. What pr inc ip les should be fol lowed in the construction of corporate safety culture 4. When will the Emergency Regulations for Production Safety and Difficulties" pass? When is it implemented? There are several chapters in the regulat ions. How many What are the character istics of the new regulations? 5. Us ing Heinrichs Law to anal yze 321 Jiangsu Yancheng Xiangshui exp losion acc ident? 6. Us ing the trajectory inter sect ion theory to anal yze the 223 dump ing acc ident of the aircraft tax i way br idge pro ject under taken by the Chi na Rai l way Second bureau at 321 chengdu Shuang iu Airport?Second homework 1. What is a safety culture? Briefly describe the structure and function of the safety culture? 2. Briefly describe the relationship between safety culture and safety management? 3. What principles should be followed in the construction of corporate safety culture? 4. When will the "Emergency Regulations for Production Safety and Difficulties" pass? When is it implemented? There are several chapters in the regulations. How many? What are the characteristics of the new regulations? 5. Using Heinrich's Law to analyze 321 Jiangsu Yancheng Xiangshui explosion accident? 6. Using the trajectory intersection theory to analyze the 223 dumping accident of the aircraft taxiway bridge project undertaken by the China Railway Second Bureau at 321 Chengdu Shuangliu Airport?
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