see..off:为.送行 Leaving Shanghai He saw his friend off at the airport. 他到机场送别朋友。 A:It's very kind of you to come toe regard n.致意,问候 me off,Mr.Zhu. Please give my regards to your parents. B:Not at all.It's the least we could do. 请代我向你父母问好。 A:Thank you. 注意regard的其他含义: v.把看作,认为,对待 B:Give my best regards to your She was regarded as the greatest artist of her day. parents. 她被认为是当时最伟大的艺术家。 A:I'll do that.Thank you,Mr.Zhu,for He regards his work as the most important thing everything you have done for me in his life. during my stay here. 他认为工作是他一生中最重要的事。 B:You are welcome.I hope you can n.尊敬,尊重 come again to Shanghai. The secretary has high regard for her boss. A:I hope so,too.Goodbye,Mr.Zhu. 秘书很尊重她的上司。 Thank you for everything you have done for me. B:Good bye,Mr.Blake.I wish you a “You have done for me'”用来修饰everythingo very pleasant journey home. Thank you for+名词或动名词是个常用的句型, 如: Thank you for your help. Thank you for seeing me off.2 Leaving Shanghai A: It's very kind of you to come to see me off, Mr. Zhu. B: Not at all. It's the least we could do. A: Thank you. B: Give my best regards to your parents. A: I'll do that. Thank you, Mr. Zhu, for everything you have done for me during my stay here. B: You are welcome. I hope you can come again to Shanghai. A: I hope so, too. Goodbye, Mr. Zhu. B: Good bye, Mr. Blake. I wish you a very pleasant journey home. see… off: 为…送行 He saw his friend off at the airport. 他到机场送别朋友。 regard n. 致意,问候 Please give my regards to your parents. 请代我向你父母问好。 注意regard的其他含义: v. 把…看作,认为,对待 She was regarded as the greatest artist of her day. 她被认为是当时最伟大的艺术家。 He regards his work as the most important thing in his life. 他认为工作是他一生中最重要的事。 n. 尊敬,尊重 The secretary has high regard for her boss. 秘书很尊重她的上司。 Thank you for everything you have done for me. “ You have done for me”用来修饰everything。 Thank you for +名词或动名词是个常用的句型, 如: Thank you for your help. Thank you for seeing me off
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