Leaving Shanghai 离开上海 A:It's very kind of you to come to see 甲:朱先生,你真好,来给我送行。 me off,Mr.Zhu. 乙:没什么。这是我唯一能为你做的事。 B:Not at all.It's the least we could do. 甲:谢谢。 A:Thank you. 乙:请代我向你父母问好。 B:Give my best regards to your 甲:我会的。朱先生,感谢你在此期间 parents. 为我所做的一切。 A:'ll do that..Thank you,,Mr.Zhu,for乙: 没什么,真希望你能再次来上海。 everything you have done for me 甲:我也希望能再来。再见,朱先生。 during my stay here. 乙:再见,布莱克先生。祝你旅途愉快。 B:You are welcome.I hope you can come again to Shanghai. A:I hope so,too.Goodbye,Mr.Zhu. B:Good bye,Mr.Blake.I wish you a very pleasant journey home.3 Leaving Shanghai A: It's very kind of you to come to see me off, Mr. Zhu. B: Not at all. It's the least we could do. A: Thank you. B: Give my best regards to your parents. A: I'll do that. Thank you, Mr. Zhu, for everything you have done for me during my stay here. B: You are welcome. I hope you can come again to Shanghai. A: I hope so, too. Goodbye, Mr. Zhu. B: Good bye, Mr. Blake. I wish you a very pleasant journey home. 离开上海 甲:朱先生,你真好,来给我送行。 乙:没什么。这是我唯一能为你做的事。 甲:谢谢。 乙:请代我向你父母问好。 甲:我会的。朱先生,感谢你在此期间 为我所做的一切。 乙:没什么,真希望你能再次来上海。 甲:我也希望能再来。再见,朱先生。 乙:再见,布莱克先生。祝你旅途愉快
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