·364 工程科学学报,第39卷,第3期 固相率 温度℃ Tliq ■1.000 1448 1480 0.933 14 0.867 0.800 402 150 0.733 1320 0.667 1280 0.600 1240 0.533 四☒ 1200 0.467 0.400 H20 0333 1080 0267 1040 0.200 1000 0.133 80 0.067 880 0 (a b (e) (d) 图6空冷条件下高硅钢铸锭不同时刻的凝固过程结果(a)和温度场(b~d).(a)99.22s:(b)204.23s:(c)274.23s:(d)339.23s Fig.6 Simulated solidification process (a)and temperature field(b-d)results of the high-silicon steel casting under air cooling condition at differ- ent time:(a)99.22s:(b)204.23s:(c)274.23s:(d)339.23s 固相率 温度℃ 1.000 1520 0.933 1426 0.867 1333 0.800 1240 0.733 7146 0.667 1053 0.600 0.533 0.467 73 0,400 0.333 0.267 493 0.200 8 0.133 213 0.067 120 a b (c) d 图7水冷条件下高硅钢铸锭在不同时刻的凝圆过程结果(a)和温度场(化~d).(a)99.22s:(b)204.23s:(c)274.23s:(d)339.23s Fig.7 Simulated solidification process (a)and temperature field(b-d)results of the high-silicon steel casting under water cooling condition at dif- ferent time:(a)99.22s:(b)204.23s:(c)274.23s:(d)339.23s 1800 1800 1700 1600 6 2 1600 P4 4 1400 1500 1200 400 1000 1300 00 600 1200 100200300400 500 400 600 0 10203040506070 时间s 时间s 图8空冷()及水冷(b)条件下高硅钢铸锭不同位置(P1~P4)的冷却曲线模拟结果 Fig.8 Simulated cooling curves at different locations (PI-P4 )in high-silicon steel casting under air cooling (a)and water cooling condition (b) 和())基本一致.整体对比两种冷却条件下高硅钢 相区较宽,呈“过渡式”凝固:而水冷条件下高硅钢凝 温度场和凝固过程的模拟结果可以发现,空冷条件下 固过程中温度梯度始终很大,两相区范围较为狭狭,呈 的温度场更均匀,温度梯度随着凝固进行逐渐减小,两 “分层式”凝固.空冷条件下宽阔的两相区、均匀的温工程科学学报,第 39 卷,第 3 期 图 6 空冷条件下高硅钢铸锭不同时刻的凝固过程结果 ( a) 和温度场 ( b ~ d) . ( a) 99. 22 s; ( b) 204. 23 s; ( c) 274. 23 s; ( d) 339. 23 s Fig. 6 Simulated solidification process ( a) and temperature field ( b--d) results of the high-silicon steel casting under air cooling condition at differ￾ent time: ( a) 99. 22 s; ( b) 204. 23 s; ( c) 274. 23 s; ( d) 339. 23 s 图 7 水冷条件下高硅钢铸锭在不同时刻的凝固过程结果 ( a) 和温度场 ( b ~ d) . ( a) 99. 22 s; ( b) 204. 23 s; ( c) 274. 23 s; ( d) 339. 23 s Fig. 7 Simulated solidification process ( a) and temperature field ( b--d) results of the high-silicon steel casting under water cooling condition at dif￾ferent time: ( a) 99. 22 s; ( b) 204. 23 s; ( c) 274. 23 s; ( d) 339. 23 s 图 8 空冷 ( a) 及水冷 ( b) 条件下高硅钢铸锭不同位置 ( P1 ~ P4) 的冷却曲线模拟结果 Fig. 8 Simulated cooling curves at different locations ( P1--P4 ) in high-silicon steel casting under air cooling ( a) and water cooling condition ( b) 和( e) ) 基本一致. 整体对比两种冷却条件下高硅钢 温度场和凝固过程的模拟结果可以发现,空冷条件下 的温度场更均匀,温度梯度随着凝固进行逐渐减小,两 相区较宽,呈“过渡式”凝固; 而水冷条件下高硅钢凝 固过程中温度梯度始终很大,两相区范围较为狭狭,呈 “分层式”凝固. 空冷条件下宽阔的两相区、均匀的温 · 463 ·
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