Xueyan hu etc:Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System design Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System design Xueyan hu Lu bai Xingzhi han Abstract-Recently,the urban traffic iams in serious condition,bus as one of the most common means of transport is on the other hand,it's nearly empty in times of trafic low.Moreover,faced with the situation buses dispatching at regula r time,some people choose to buy their own cars,what made traffic in a wors adition.Considering resolving this problem,we designed a transit passenger flow statistics system,which would make a reasonable provision of public transport resources,and then contribute to alleviating the pressure on traffic.Transit passenge now statistics system consist of transmitting part and receiving part.Transmitting part using Infrared Emitting Diode and Photodiode calculators the pas nger flow on the bus,then acquired the current location and speed through GPS.and sent ,te.the bu stops a ad Tr it Co Dispatch Center)by wireless.The who was waiting at the site could observe operating conditions through the LCD of the bus stops,in order that th passengers would make the most rational choice,saving time to facilitate travel.Transit Company Dispatch Center would schedule bus trips according to passenger flow conditions,in that way could help conserve resources and satisfy transport needs Keywords-bus:GPS:MSP430:people- ounting consist of radiating portion and receiving portion. 0 INTRODUCTION Radiating portion is used in the bus to achieve people counting to get the current speed and location THE present situation of the urban traffic is not by GPS,and send the information to the receiving optimistic.especially the peak commuting in my portion,receiving portion shows the message by LCD opinion,in order to solve this situation,there are two to allow the passenger to choose the best way,the ways to go.on the one hand,improving the situation of overall block diagram show as Figure 1. road and enhancing road construction,on the othe hand enhancing the management of road and People counting GPS improving use of existing resources.though the government is going on the first way,but there are a lot of works to do,relatively speaking the second way can 430 controller remit current situation quickly and effectively,so this passage do a research about the second wav current will improve the current situation bviously.as th same time,we can achieve the energy conservation anc 430 controller emission reduction intelligent transportation system is the only way which is passed in the future.if there are LCD module enough loose and comfortable bus,i think people will car,in order toi Figure overall block diagram transportation system,people counting and scheduling is very important. 2ACHIEVEMENTAND ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS ITHE OVERALL DESIGN OF THE PROJECT 2.I radiating circuit module Radia ing circuit module includes MSP430F169 Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System PCB.GPS module,radiating circuit and double redXueyan hu etc.: Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System design 11 Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System design Xueyan hu Lu bai Xingzhi han Abstract—Recently,the urban traffic jams in serious condition,bus as one of the most common means of transport is overcrowded in the rush hour,on the other hand,it's nearly empty in times of traffic low.Moreover,faced with the situation of buses dispatching at regular time , some people choose to buy their own cars,what made traffic in a worse condition.Considering resolving this problem ,we designed a transit passenger flow statistics system, which would make a reasonable provision of public transport resources, and then contribute to alleviating the pressure on traffic.Transit passenger flow statistics system consist of transmitting part and receiving part.Transmitting part using Infrared Emitting Diode and Photodiode calculators the passenger flow on the bus ,then acquired the current location and speed through GPS, and sent these information to receiving part (i.e. the bus stops and Transit Company Dispatch Center) by wireless. The passengers who was waiting at the site could observe operating conditions through the LCD of the bus stops ,in order that the passengers would make the most rational choice, saving time to facilitate travel.Transit Company Dispatch Center would schedule bus trips according to passenger flow conditions ,in that way could help conserve resources and satisfy transport needs. Keywords—bus;GPS;MSP430;people-counting; wireless communication 0 INTRODUCTION THE present situation of the urban traffic is not optimistic,especially the peak commuting,in my opinion,in order to solve this situation,there are two ways to go,on the one hand,improving the situation of road and enhancing road construction,on the other hand,enhancing the management of road and improving use of existing resources.though the government is going on the first way,but there are a lot of works to do,relatively speaking,the second way can remit current situation quickly and effectively,so this passage do a research about the second way.current bus is a great resource,if we can use it effectively,it will improve the current situation obviously,as the same time,we can achieve the energy conservation and emission reduction,intelligent transportation system is the only way which is passed in the future.if there are enough loose and comfortable bus, i think people will choose bus but not private car, in order to intelligent transportation system, people counting and scheduling is very important. 1THE OVERALL DESIGN OF THE PROJECT Transit Passenger Flow Statistics System is consist of radiating portion and receiving portion. Radiating portion is used in the bus to achieve people counting,to get the current speed and location by GPS,and send the information to the receiving portion, receiving portion shows the message by LCD to allow the passenger to choose the best way,the overall block diagram show as Figure 1. Figure 1.the overall block diagram 2 ACHIEVEMENT AND ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS 2.1 radiating circuit module: Radiating circuit module includes MSP430F169 PCB,GPS module,radiating circuit and double red
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