Nitriles: RCN Compounds containing the-Cn functional group are known as nitriles. Simple acyclic nitriles are named by adding nitrile as a suffix to the alkane names with the nitrile carbon itself numbered Cl More complex nitriles are named as derivatives of carboxylic acid by replacing the -ic acid or-oic acid ending with nitrile, or by replacing the carboxylic acid ending with -carbonitrileOrganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Nitriles: RCN Compounds containing the –CN functional group are known as nitriles. Simple acyclic nitriles are named by adding – nitrile as a suffix to the alkane names, with the nitrile carbon itself numbered C1. More complex nitriles are named as derivatives of carboxylic acid by replacing the –ic acid or –oic acid ending with – onitrile, or by replacing the carboxylic acid ending with –carbonitrile