g Carboxylic acids are just one member of a class of acyl derivatives, RCOY where the acyl group is bonded to an electronegatives substituent .Y that can act as a leaving group in substitution reactions. Numerous acyl derivatives are possible, but we'll be concerned only with four of the more common ones in addition to carboxylic acids themselves acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Carboxylic acids are just one member of a class of acyl derivatives, RCOY, where the acyl group is bonded to an electronegatives substituent -Y that can act as a leaving group in substitution reactions. Numerous acyl derivatives are possible, but we’ll be concerned only with four of the more common ones, in addition to carboxylic acids themselves: acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides
羧酸衍生物 C R Y C C R OH R R O R ⅹ=F,Cl,Br,I 羧酸 酰卤 酸酐 Carboxylic acid Acyl halide Acid anhydride C C R一C≡N R OR R NH 酯 酰胺 腈 Ester Amide Nitre
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University R C O Y R C O OH R C O X R C O O R C O OR' R C O NH 2 C R O R C N 羧酸衍生物 羧酸 酰卤 酸酐 酯 酰胺 腈 X = F, Cl, Br, I Ca rboxy l i c a c i d A c y l h a l ide A c i d an h y d r ide Es t e r A m i d e Ni tr l e
111羧酸衍生物的命名 Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 11.1 羧酸衍生物的命名 Nomenclature of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
己 Acid halides:RCoX Acid halides are named by identifying first the acyl group and then the halide. The acyl group names is derived from the carboxylic acid names by replacing the -ic acid e ending with -yl or the -carboxylic acid ending with -carbonyl
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Acid halides: RCOX Acid halides are named by identifying first the acyl group and then the halide. The acyl group names is derived from the carboxylic acid names by replacing the –ic acid ending with –yl or the –carboxylic acid ending with –carbonyl
酰卤的命名:RCOX ■酰卤酰基名+卤素名 ic acid→y+ halide or carboxylic acid - carbonyl halide CHachI Br Cl ①D 乙酰氯苯甲酰溴 环己烷甲酰氯 c Acetyl chloride benzoyl bromide cyclo hexanecarbony/ ⑨D chloride
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 酰卤的命名: RCOX 酰卤 酰基名 + 卤素名 -ic acid -yl + halide or -carboxylic acid carbonyl + halide CH 3 CCl O C Br O C Cl O 乙酰氯 苯甲酰溴 环己烷甲酰氯 Acetyl chlorid e Be n z oyl b r o mid e C yclo hexanecarb onyl chlorid e
Acid anhydrides: RCO2COR' E: Symmetrical anhydrides of straight chain monocarboxylic acids, and cyclic anhydrides of dicarboXylIC acids, are named by replacing the e word acid with anhydride
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Acid anhydrides: RCO 2COR ’ Symmetrical anhydrides of straightchain monocarboxylic acids, and cyclic anhydrides of dicarboxylic acids, are named by replacing the word acid with anhydride
酸酐的命名:RCO2COR ■酸酐X酸→×(酸)酐x酸×酸酐 ad→ anhydride O CH3 C-O-C-CH3 HC-0-C-CH ①D 乙酸酐 甲(酸)乙(酸)酐丁二酸酐 ⑨D Acetic anhydride Acetic formic Butanedioic anhydride anhydride
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University 酸酐的命名: RCO 2COR ’ 酸酐 酸 ( 酸 ) 酐 x 酸 酸酐 acid anhydride CH 3 C O O C C H 3 O HC O O C C H 3 O O O O 乙酸酐 甲 ( 酸 ) 乙 ( 酸 ) 酐 丁二酸酐 Acetic anhydrid e A c e t i c fo rm i c Bu t a n edi o i c anhyd rid e anhyd rid e
Esters: RCO2R a Systematic names for esters are derived by first giving the name of the alkyl group attached to oxygen and then identifying the carboxylic acid. In so doing the -ic acid ending is replaced by -ate
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University Esters: RCO 2 R ’ Systematic names for esters are derived by first giving the name of the alkyl group attached to oxygen and then identifying the carboxylic acid. In so doing, the –ic acid ending is replaced by –ate
酯的命名:RCO2R R-C-OH CY R-C-ORI 羧酸的氢被烃基取代 ■酯×酸×(烃基名)酯 - ic acid→akyl-ate C-OCH C-OC(CH3)3 CH3 C-OCH2 CH3 乙酸乙酯 苯甲酸甲酯环己烷羧酸叔丁酯 Ethyl acetate methyl benzoate tert-Buthyl cyclohexanecarboxylate
Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Xiamen Xiamen University University R C O R C OR' O O H 羧酸的氢被烃基取代 酯的命名 RCO 2 R ’ 酯 酸 (烃基名 ) 酯 -ic acid alkyl -ate CH 3 C O OC H 2CH 3 Et h y l a c e t a t e Me t h y l be n zoa t e t e rt - B u th y l 乙酸乙酯 苯甲酸甲酯 环己烷羧酸叔丁酯 cyclo hexanecarb o x ylate C OC H 3 O C OC ( C H 3 ) 3 O