496T fm i-xxvi 01/10/06 22: 13 Page xxv st of Symbols Vc=unit cell volume(3. 4) v= frequency of electromagnetic potential (17.4 VH= Hall voltage(18.14) p= density (3.5) Vi= volume fraction of phase i(9.8) p= electrical resistivity(18.2) vol%= volume percent crack(8.5) Wi= mass fraction of phase i(9. 8) o=engineering stress, tensile or (6.2) electrical conductivity(18.3) o= longitudinal strength space coordinate (composite)(16.5) Y= dimensionless parameter or function in Tc= critical stress for crack propagation racture toughness expression(8.5) y=space coordinate ofs=flexural strength(12.9) z= space coordinate Um= maximum stress(8.5) a= lattice parameter: unit cell y-z Um= mean stress(8.7) interaxial angle(3.7) a,B,y= phase designations om= stress in matrix at composite failure(16.5) ar= linear coefficient of thermal expansion r= true stress(6.7) B= lattice parameter: unit cellx-z Ou= safe or working stress(6. 12) interaxial angle(3.7) strength(6.6) y=lattice parameter: unit cell x-y T= shear stress(6.2 nteraxial angle(3.7) Te= fiber-matrix bond strength/matrix shear y=shear strain(6.2) yield strength(16.4) 4= precedes the symbol of a parameter to Tcrss critical resolved shear stress(7.5) denote finite change Xm= magnetic susceptibility(20.2) engineering strain(6.2) E= dielectric permittivity (18.18) SUBSCRIPTS Er dielectric constant or relative C= composite permittivity(18.18) cd= discontinuous fibrous composite steady-state creep rate( 8.12) cl= longitudinal direction(aligned fibrous ∈r= true strain(6.7) m= viscosity(12. 10) ct= transverse direction(aligned fibrous m= overvoltage(17. 4) composite) 8= Bragg diffraction angle(3.16) BD= Debye temperature(19.2) f= at fracture A= wavelength of ele diation (3. 16) u= magnetic permeability(20.2) matrix B= Bohr magneton(20.2) u,- relative magnetic permeability(20.2) minimun We electron mobility (18.7) 0= original uh= hole mobility(18.10) 0= at equilibrium Poisson's ratio(6.5)List of Symbols • xxv VC unit cell volume (3.4) VC corrosion potential (17.4) VH Hall voltage (18.14) Vi volume fraction of phase i (9.8) v velocity vol% volume percent Wi mass fraction of phase i (9.8) wt% weight percent (4.4) x length x space coordinate Y dimensionless parameter or function in fracture toughness expression (8.5) y space coordinate z space coordinate lattice parameter: unit cell y–z interaxial angle (3.7) , ,  phase designations l linear coefficient of thermal expansion (19.3)  lattice parameter: unit cell x–z interaxial angle (3.7)  lattice parameter: unit cell x–y interaxial angle (3.7)  shear strain (6.2)  precedes the symbol of a parameter to denote finite change  engineering strain (6.2)  dielectric permittivity (18.18) r dielectric constant or relative permittivity (18.18)   s steady-state creep rate (8.12) T true strain (6.7)  viscosity (12.10)  overvoltage (17.4)  Bragg diffraction angle (3.16) D Debye temperature (19.2) wavelength of electromagnetic radiation (3.16) magnetic permeability (20.2) B Bohr magneton (20.2) r relative magnetic permeability (20.2) e electron mobility (18.7) h hole mobility (18.10) n Poisson’s ratio (6.5) n frequency of electromagnetic radiation (21.2) density (3.5) electrical resistivity (18.2) t radius of curvature at the tip of a crack (8.5) engineering stress, tensile or compressive (6.2) electrical conductivity (18.3) * longitudinal strength (composite) (16.5) c critical stress for crack propagation (8.5) fs flexural strength (12.9) m maximum stress (8.5) m mean stress (8.7) m stress in matrix at composite failure (16.5) T true stress (6.7) w safe or working stress (6.12) y yield strength (6.6) shear stress (6.2) c fiber–matrix bond strength/matrix shear yield strength (16.4) crss critical resolved shear stress (7.5) m magnetic susceptibility (20.2) SUBSCRIPTS c composite cd discontinuous fibrous composite cl longitudinal direction (aligned fibrous composite) ct transverse direction (aligned fibrous composite) f final f at fracture f fiber i instantaneous m matrix m, max maximum min minimum 0 original 0 at equilibrium 0 in a vacuum 1496T_fm_i-xxvi 01/10/06 22:13 Page xxv
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