3. 1 Composition and Classification of Servo Actuation ystem 92 3.2 Present Situation and Developing Tendency of Servo Actuation System 93 3.2.1 Present Situstion of Serro Actuaion System "n 93 3. 2.2 Developing Tendercy of Servo Acluation System 3. 3 Design of Servo Actuation Subsystem "a.e.e. 3.3.1 Basic Design Requirement of servo Actuation Subsystem 97 33.2 Design of Servo Actuation Loop……………98 33.3 Redundancy arrangement…… 104 3. 3.4 Reliability design. 109 3. 4 Servo actuator ,a 112 3. 4. 1 Main Functional components of Servo Actuator………………………:112 34.2 Servo actuator design……………116 3.4.3 Redundant Servo Actuator and Force Fighting Problem 124 34.4 Several New Type Servo Actuators…………126 3.5 o controlle 3.5.1 Main functions of servo controller………128 3.5.2 Design of Servo Controller …………………129 3.6 Integration of Servo Actuation Subsystem n..,.et. 133 36.1 Open loop Integration Test……133 3.6.2 Closed Loop Integration Test ……134 3.6.3 Limited Cycling Oscillation and It's Supression …134 Chapter4 Sensors Subsystem…………………136 4. 1 Pilot Command Sensor 138
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