4.2 Dynamic Static Pressure Sensor 143 4.2.1 perational Principle………………143 4.2.2 Redundancy Arrangement……………:146 4.2.3 Error Compensation……… …147 4.3 Angle of Attack/ Side-Slip angular Sensor ……150 4.4 Linear Acceleration Transducer…………………154 4.4.1 Flexure pendulous Torque Feedback Accelerometer……s……s…………155 4.4.2 Other Accelerometers 158 4.5 Angular Rate Sensor…………………160 4.5.1 Traditional Rate gyro. 160 4.5.2 Advanced Rate Gyro…………………162 46 Attitude and Heading Angular Sensor………:170 4.6.1 Gyro horizon……………………………170 4.6.2 Heading Aagular gyro……………172 4.6.3 Heading System 4.6.4 All Attitude Integration gyro and heading Attitude System 174 4.7 Several Specific Usage Sensor………………………174 4.8 Problems in Design and application of Sensor Subsystem………………175 Chapter5 Control and Display Subsystem…… 177 5.1 Design Requirements of Control and display Subsystem b··自号·由白·看目寺昏自m自,罪·m·。q 177 5.1.1 Information display 177 5.1,2 Controller…………………………………………179 5.2 Design of Control Unit 181 5.2.1 Control Circuit design…s……s………181 5. 2.2 Software Design of Control Unit …2188 53 Design of Display Unit……………………189
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