分压定律partial pressure law 分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions 分子间力 intermolecular force 分子蒸馏 molecular distillation 封闭系统 closed system 附加压力excess pressure 弗罗因德利希吸附经验式 Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption 负极negative pole 负吸附 negative adsorption 复合反应composite reaction 盖·吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law 盖斯定律 Hess law 甘汞电极 calomel electrode 感胶离子序lyotropic series 杠杆规则lever rule 高分子溶液macromolecular solution 高会溶点upper consolute point 隔离法the isolation method 格罗塞斯一德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer's law 隔离系统 isolated system 根均方速率root-mean-square speed 功 work 功函 work content 共轭溶液 conjugate solution 共沸温度 azeotropic temperature 构型熵configurational entropy 孤立系统isolated system 固溶胶solid sol 固态混合物solid solution 固相线 solid phase line 光反应 photoreaction 光化学第二定律the second law of actinochemistry 光化学第一定律the first law of actinochemistry 光敏反应 photosensitized reactions 光谱熵spectrum entropy 广度性质 extensive property 广a延量extensive quantity 广延性质 extensive property 规定熵 stipulated entropy 过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution 过饱和蒸气oversaturated vapor 过程process 过渡状态理论 transition state theory 过冷水 super-cooled water分压定律 partial pressure law 分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions 分子间力 intermolecular force 分子蒸馏 molecular distillation 封闭系统 closed system 附加压力 excess pressure 弗罗因德利希吸附经验式 Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption 负极 negative pole 负吸附 negative adsorption 复合反应 composite reaction 盖·吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law 盖斯定律 Hess law 甘汞电极 calomel electrode 感胶离子序 lyotropic series 杠杆规则 lever rule 高分子溶液 macromolecular solution 高会溶点 upper consolute point 隔离法 the isolation method 格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer’s law 隔离系统 isolated system 根均方速率 root-mean-square speed 功 work 功函 work content 共轭溶液 conjugate solution 共沸温度 azeotropic temperature 构型熵 configurational entropy 孤立系统 isolated system 固溶胶 solid sol 固态混合物 solid solution 固相线 solid phase line 光反应 photoreaction 光化学第二定律 the second law of actinochemistry 光化学第一定律 the first law of actinochemistry 光敏反应 photosensitized reactions 光谱熵 spectrum entropy 广度性质 extensive property 广延量 extensive quantity 广延性质 extensive property 规定熵 stipulated entropy 过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution 过饱和蒸气 oversaturated vapor 过程 process 过渡状态理论 transition state theory 过冷水 super-cooled water