效绵鼎 PDA Formalism A PDA is described by: 1.A finite set of states (Q,typically). 2.An input alphabet(Σ,typically) 3. A stack alphabet(「,typically). 4. A transition function(δ,typically) 5. A start state (qo,in Q,typically) 6. A start symbol(Zo,in「,typically). 7.A set of final states (FQ,typically) 6PDA Formalism ◼ A PDA is described by: 1. A finite set of states (Q, typically). 2. An input alphabet (Σ, typically). 3. A stack alphabet (Γ, typically). 4. A transition function (δ, typically). 5. A start state (q0 , in Q, typically). 6. A start symbol (Z0 , in Γ, typically). 7. A set of final states (F ⊆ Q, typically). 6