456 心理科学进展 第21卷 11376-11381 human sleep by positron emission tomography.Journal of Jahnke,K.,von Wegner,F.,Morzelewski,A..Borisov,S., Sleep Research.9(3),207-231. Maischein,M.,Steinmetz,H.,Laufs,H.(2012).To Mulert,C.,Lemieux,L.(2010).EEG-fMRI:Physiological wake or not to wake?The two-sided nature of the human Basis,Technique and Applications.Berlin:Springer- K-complex.Neuroimage,59(2),1631-1638. Verlag. Kaufmann,C.,Wehrle,R.,Wetter,T.C.,Holsboer,F.,Auer, Nir,Y.,Staba,R.J.,Andrillon,T.,Vyazovskiy,V.V.,Cirelli, D.P,Pollmacher,T&Czisch,M.(2006).Brain C.,Fried,I.,&Tononi,G.(2011).Regional slow waves activation and hypothalamic functional connectivity and spindles in human sleep.Neuron.70(1),153-169. during human non-rapid eye movement sleep:An EEG/ Nofzinger,E.A.(2005).Neuroimaging and sleep medicine. fMRI study.Brain,129(3),655-667. Sleep Medicine Reviews,9(3),157-172. 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