Unit 2i think that mooncakes are delicious 内容 Section A(1a-2d 【知识目标】 Important words: stranger, relative Important phrases: the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Chinese Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, wash away, put on, throw water at each other, eat out 目标【能力目标】 指导学生仔细聆听有关描述节日活动的对话,并使其学会运用所学内容谈论节日活 【情感目标】 引导学生通过小组合作学习来学习节日,了解中西方的重要节日及风俗习惯,增长见 教学重点:学习使用感叹句来谈论对节日的喜好 难点:学习使用宾语从句来表述自己对节日的看法和观点。 教学过程 ◆ Step 1情境导入 Teacher: As we all know that our country-China is an old country with a long history ind great different colorful cultures. And now we still have many festivals to celebrate every year.(4分钟) Teacher: Can you name some festivals you know to me? Students ① The Spring Festival. (2The Mid-Autumn Festival ③ May day ④ National Day 设计意图通过提问激发学生的表达欲望,使学生体验到了掌握知识的个人意义Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 主 备 内容 Section A (1a-2d) 教 学 目标 【知识目标】 Important words:stranger,relative Important phrases:the Water Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival,the Chinese Spring Festival,the Lantern Festival,wash away,put on,throw water at each other,eat out 【能力目标】 指导学生仔细聆听有关描述节日活动的对话,并使其学会运用所学内容谈论节日活 动。 【情感目标】 引导学生通过小组合作学习来学习节日,了解中西方的重要节日及风俗习惯,增长见 识。 教 学 重 难 点 重点:学习使用感叹句来谈论对节日的喜好。 难点:学习使用宾语从句来表述自己对节日的看法和观点。 教学过程 ◆Step 1 情境导入 Teacher:As we all know that our country—China is an old country with a long history and great different colorful cultures.And now we still have many festivals to celebrate every year.(4 分钟) Teacher:Can you name some festivals you know to me? Students: ①The Spring Festival. ②The Mid-Autumn Festival. ③May Day. ④National Day. ... 设计意图 通过提问激发学生的表达欲望,使学生体验到了掌握知识的个人意义
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