7.抗休克Antishock: infectious shock 暴发型流行性脑脊髓膜炎、中毒性菌痢、中毒性肺炎 Large dose of atropine -abolish the vessel spasm,dilate peripheral vessel,improve nicrocirculation(微循环) Attention: Atropine is not used to the shock patient accompany with fever and tachycardia(心动过速). 7. 抗休克 Antishock: infectious shock 暴发型流行性脑脊髓膜炎、中毒性菌痢、中毒性肺炎 Large dose of atropine -abolish the vessel spasm, dilate peripheral vessel, improve microcirculation(微循环) Attention: Atropine is not used to the shock patient accompany with fever and tachycardia(心动过速)
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