Chapter 4 Data Structure 4.2 Stacks Thus, as entries are pushed and popped, the top of the stack moves back and forth within the reserved block of memory cells. A means is therefore needed to maintain a record of the location of the top entry. For this purpose, the address of the top entry is stored in an additional memory cell known as the stack pointer. That is, the stack pointer points to the top of the stack 因此,在条目进栈和出栈的时候,栈顶的位置就在存储单元 块中前后移动。为了保存这个位置的轨迹,栈顶条目的地址 被存储在一个附加的存储单元中,这个附加的存储单元被被 称为堆栈指针。也就是说,堆栈指针就是一个指向栈顶的指 针 《什第机专出美语 74177Chapter 4 Data Structure 计算机专业英语 4-17 Thus, as entries are pushed and popped, the top of the stack moves back and forth within the reserved block of memory cells. A means is therefore needed to maintain a record of the location of the top entry. For this purpose, the address of the top entry is stored in an additional memory cell known as the stack pointer. That is, the stack pointer points to the top of the stack. 因此,在条目进栈和出栈的时候,栈顶的位置就在存储单元 块中前后移动。为了保存这个位置的轨迹,栈顶条目的地址 被存储在一个附加的存储单元中,这个附加的存储单元被被 称为堆栈指针。也就是说,堆栈指针就是一个指向栈顶的指 针。 4.2 Stacks
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