Chapter 4 Data Structure 4.2 Stacks The complete system, as illustrated in Figure 4-1, works as follows: To push a new entry on the stack, we first adjust the stack pointer to point to the vacancy just beyond the top of the stack and then place the new entry at this location. To pop an entry from the stack we read the data pointed to by the stack pointer and then adjust the pointer to point to the next entry down on the stack 个完整的系统(如图4-1所示)是这样工作的:为了把一条 新的数据压入堆栈,我们首先调整堆栈指针,使之指向当前 栈顶之前的空白。然后将新的条目置于此处。为了将条目从 堆栈中弹出,我们首先读出堆栈指针所指向的数据,然后调 整此指针指向堆栈中的下一条数据所在的存储单元。 《什第机专出美语 4-18Chapter 4 Data Structure 计算机专业英语 4-18 The complete system, as illustrated in Figure 4-1, works as follows: To push a new entry on the stack, we first adjust the stack pointer to point to the vacancy just beyond the top of the stack and then place the new entry at this location. To pop an entry from the stack, we read the data pointed to by the stack pointer and then adjust the pointer to point to the next entry down on the stack. 一个完整的系统(如图4-1所示)是这样工作的:为了把一条 新的数据压入堆栈,我们首先调整堆栈指针,使之指向当前 栈顶之前的空白。然后将新的条目置于此处。为了将条目从 堆栈中弹出,我们首先读出堆栈指针所指向的数据,然后调 整此指针指向堆栈中的下一条数据所在的存储单元。 4.2 Stacks
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