immunization can suppress antibody formation to a certain antigen without effecting the response to other antigens.Antibodies can bind to antigen and prevent them from binding to receptors to T and B cells. Feedback regulation of antibody production Activation of B cells by antigen leads to production of antibody specific for those antigens.Antigen B stimulates the production of anti-B antibody.Subsequently,the antibody reduces the concentration of that antigen.This diminishes stimulation of further production of the specific antibody.Eventually,antigen B is completely removed and no further stimulation of the production of anti-B antibody occurs.These interactions,however,have the level of antigen Aor its influence in stimulating anti-A antibody. Influence of Immune Complexes on Immune responses Antigen B Cel FcR 00Ab-Ag Influence of immune complexes on immune responses Antigen characteristically triggers an immune response.An antigen that is complexed with antibody has differential effects on immune responses.At low Ab/Ag ratios, suppression of antibody production can occur.Under these conditions,immune complexes can bind to both mIg(ag)and FcRs (Ab)of the B cells.This suppresses antibody production. In contrast,at high Ab/Ag ratios,immune responses can be immunization can suppress antibody formation to a certain antigen without effecting the response to other antigens. Antibodies can bind to antigen and prevent them from binding to receptors to T and B cells. Feedback regulation of antibody production Activation of B cells by antigen leads to production of antibody specific for those antigens. Antigen B stimulates the production of anti-B antibody. Subsequently, the antibody reduces the concentration of that antigen. This diminishes stimulation of further production of the specific antibody. Eventually, antigen B is completely removed and no further stimulation of the production of anti-B antibody occurs. These interactions, however, have no effect on the level of antigen A or its influence in stimulating anti-A antibody. Influence of immune complexes on immune responses Antigen characteristically triggers an immune response. An antigen that is complexed with antibody has differential effects on immune responses. At low Ab/Ag ratios, suppression of antibody production can occur. Under these conditions, immune complexes can bind to both mIg(ag) and FcRs (Ab) of the B cells. This suppresses antibody production. In contrast, at high Ab/Ag ratios, immune responses can be
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