DOMAIN SPECIFICITY o A system is domain specific to the extent that it has a restricted subject matter that is, the class of objects and properties that it processes information about is circumscribed in a relatively narrow way. As Fodor(1983) puts it, domain specificity has to do with the range of questions for which a device provides answers (the range of inputs for which it computes analyses)(p. 103): the narrower the range ofinputs a system can compute the narrower the range of problems the system can solve--and the narrower the range of such problems, the more domain specific the device. Alternatively, the degree of a systems domain specificity can be understood as a function of the range ofinputs that turn the system on, where the size of that range determines the informational reach of the system(Carruthers, 2006; Samuels, 2006) o Possible domains include: domain-specific mechanisms which includes systems for color perception, visual shape analysis, sentence parsing, and face and voice recognitionDOMAIN SPECIFICITY.  A system is domain specific to the extent that it has a restricted subject matter, that is, the class of objects and properties that it processes information about is circumscribed in a relatively narrow way. As Fodor (1983) puts it, “domain specificity has to do with the range of questions for which a device provides answers (the range of inputs for which it computes analyses)” (p. 103): the narrower the range of inputs a system can compute, the narrower the range of problems the system can solve—and the narrower the range of such problems, the more domain specific the device. Alternatively, the degree of a system's domain specificity can be understood as a function of the range of inputs that turn the system on, where the size of that range determines the informational reach of the system (Carruthers, 2006; Samuels, 2006).  Possible domains include: domain-specific mechanisms, which includes systems for color perception, visual shape analysis, sentence parsing, and face and voice recognition
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