vi CONTENTS 5 The lesioned brain and stimulated brain 87 Dissociations and associations in neuropsychology 90 Single-case studies in cognitive neuropsychology 93 Group studies and lesion-deficit analysis in neuropsychology 97 Animal models in neuropsychology 100 Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)102 Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES)110 6 The developing brain 115 Structural development of the brain 118 Functional development of the brain 122 Nature and nurture of individual differences 129 7 The seeing brain 143 From eye to brain 144 Cortical blindness and“blindsight”l4g Functional specialization of the visual cortex beyond VI 152 Recognizing objects 156 Recognizing faces 164 Vision imagined 171 8 The hearing brain 175 The nature of sound 177 From ear to brain 178 Basic processing of auditory information 181 Music perception 186 Voice r perception 191 Speech perception 193 9 The attending brain 203 Spatial and non-spatial attentional process 204 The role of the frontoparietal network in attention 208 Theories of attention 217 Neglect as a disorder of spatial attention and awareness 224 10 The acting brain 233 0phmeonmaaa2 A basic cognitive framework for movement and action Ownership and awareness of actions 242 Action comprehension and imitation 246 Acting on objects 249 Fronto-striatal and cerebellar networks in action 258vi CONTENTS 5 The lesioned brain and stimulated brain 87 Dissociations and associations in neuropsychology 90 Single-case studies in cognitive neuropsychology 93 Group studies and lesion-deficit analysis in neuropsychology 97 Animal models in neuropsychology 100 Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) 102 Transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) 110 6 The developing brain 115 Structural development of the brain 118 Functional development of the brain 122 Nature and nurture of individual differences 129 7 The seeing brain 143 From eye to brain 144 Cortical blindness and “blindsight” 149 Functional specialization of the visual cortex beyond V1 152 Recognizing objects 156 Recognizing faces 164 Vision imagined 171 8 The hearing brain 175 The nature of sound 177 From ear to brain 178 Basic processing of auditory information 181 Music perception 186 Voice perception 191 Speech perception 193 9 The attending brain 203 Spatial and non-spatial attentional process 204 The role of the frontoparietal network in attention 208 Theories of attention 217 Neglect as a disorder of spatial attention and awareness 224 10 The acting brain 233 A basic cognitive framework for movement and action 234 The role of the frontal lobes in movement and action 235 Ownership and awareness of actions 242 Action comprehension and imitation 246 Acting on objects 249 Fronto-striatal and cerebellar networks in action 258
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