Schedule Reading 0r1 指导学生 Course assigned 脚踏实 Objectives Introduction to Lectures materials地。勤奋 课程目 functional foods and and and 努力,培 标1 dietary supplements, discussion participat养及增强 ion in 学生的专 业意识 n Reading of 培养学生 assigne Phytochemicals and Lectures materia 对生物质 能基础知课程目 and and bioactive compounds discussion particina 识的专业标1,2 兴趣,增润 ion in 专业意识 discussio n Reading of Health benefits of fruit Lectures vegetables,and whole 3 and and 课程目 标1,23 grains:Plant oils and nuts discussion participa ion in n Reading 通过对闪 料中的生 of assigned 物活性物 material 质的学习 ectures Bioactive compounds of 2 beverages;Phytosterols, and and 激起学生课程 对推陈出标3 discussion participa 新的浓厚 ion in 趨.挤养 discussio n 学生的探 索精神 Reading通过案列 of 学习.培养 Case study and discussion Lectures assigned and materials 学生解课程目 Hyperter cuss and 社会实际标3,4 participat 问题的能 ion in Schedule & Requirements & Course Objectives) 1 Introduction to functional foods and dietary supplements; 2 Lectures and discussion Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in discussio n 指导学生 脚踏实 地,勤奋 努力,培 养及增强 学生的专 业意识 课程目 标 1 2 Phytochemicals and bioactive compounds 3 Lectures and discussion Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in discussio n 培养学生 对生物质 能基础知 识的专业 兴趣,增强 专业意识 课程目 标 1,2 3 Health benefits of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; Plant oils and nuts 3 Lectures and discussion Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in discussio n 课程目 标 1,2,3 4 Bioactive compounds of beverages; Phytosterols; 2 Lectures and discussion Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in discussio n 通过对饮 料中的生 物活性物 质的学习 激起学生 对推陈出 新的浓厚 兴趣,培养 学生的探 索精神 课 程 目 标 3 5 Case study and discussion: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH); 3 Lectures and discussion Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in 通过案例 学习,培养 学生解决 社会实际 问题的能 力 课 程 目 标 3,4
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