1-redit modular course will of genetic engineered rops with improved,and how to detect,if necessary,your food may be geneticall engineered or may contain GMO ingredients. "Introduetion to Funetional Foods"covers functional foods,bioactive ompounds,and dietary supplements in disease prevention and health otion.Emphasis area mechanisms of action and scientifi evidence of functional foods and dietary supplements.Biomarkers safety and efficacy testing,and regulations for functional foods and dietary supplements will also be discussed. 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents) For“Introduction to Functional Foods”": .Apply the scientific principles necessary to evaluate the benefits and risk of functional foods and dietary supplements (BI.B2) 2.Evaluate the latest information on the rapidly growing field of functional foods and dietary supplements.(B4,C3) 3.Integrate and apply core competencies in Food Chemistry and Nutrition to solve/explain practical product development in functional foods and dietary upplements.(B3.C2) 4.Explain the roles of nutrients and bioactive ompounds in functional foods and dietary supplements “课程目标 that impact human health.(B1,B2,B3.C4) (Course"Genetic Engineering of Food Crops" 5.The students will be able to understand the nature of genetic engineering of erops vs.conventional plant breeding(B2,B4) 6.The students will be able to evaluate and assess the nutritional and nomical values of various improved crops by genetic engineering(B3.C3) 7.The students will be able to identify and use various techniques to nonitor/determine if their food is GMO or contains ingredients derived from GMO.(B2.B3.B5) 8.The students will be able to develop sciene-based ritic GMO issues in general and engineered food crops in particular.(C3.C5) *教学内容进尼 安排及对应 教学内容(要点) 教学形式 融入点 目标 程目标(C1as 核要求1-credit modular course will discuss case studies of genetic engineered crops with emphases on how they are genetically engineered, how the nutritional values are improved, and how to detect, if necessary, your food may be genetically engineered or may contain GMO ingredients. “Introduction to Functional Foods” covers functional foods, bioactive compounds, and dietary supplements in disease prevention and health promotion. Emphasis areas will include the mechanisms of action and scientific evidence of efficacy of functional foods and dietary supplements. Biomarkers, safety and efficacy testing, and regulations for functional foods and dietary supplements will also be discussed. 课程目标与内容(Course objectives and contents) *课程目标 (Course Object) For “Introduction to Functional Foods”: 1. Apply the scientific principles necessary to evaluate the benefits and risk of functional foods and dietary supplements. (B1,B2) 2. Evaluate the latest information on the rapidly growing field of functional foods and dietary supplements. (B4, C3) 3. Integrate and apply core competencies in Food Chemistry and Nutrition to solve/explain practical product development in functional foods and dietary supplements.(B3, C2) 4. Explain the roles of nutrients and bioactive compounds in functional foods and dietary supplements that impact human health.(B1,B2, B3,C4) For “Genetic Engineering of Food Crops”: 5. The students will be able to understand the nature of genetic engineering of crops vs. conventional plant breeding.(B2, B4) 6. The students will be able to evaluate and assess the nutritional and economical values of various improved crops by genetic engineering.(B3,C3) 7. The students will be able to identify and use various techniques to monitor/determine if their food is GMO or contains ingredients derived from GMO.(B2,B3,B5) 8. The students will be able to develop science-based critical thinking of the GMO issues in general and engineered food crops in particular.(C3,C5) *教学内容进度 安排及对应课 程目标 (Class 章节 教学内容(要点) 学时 教学形式 作业及考 核要求 课程思政 融入点 对应课程 目标
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