R:Oh,it's a feast to feed a small army. W:Mr.Richard,this is Deep Fried Croaker with Tomato Sauce and that is Phoenix-tailed Prawn.Please help yourself to whatever you like. R:(After tasting)It's very delicious and appetizing!We're feed,v喂养,为..提供食物 really enjoying"color,flavor and taste"all at the same time We feed our dogs on fresh meat.我们用新鲜肉喂 W:We Chinese People often say,"Good dishes should match good liquor."SoI invite you to try some Maotai. He's got a big family to feed..他有一大家子人要 养活 R:Oh!Maotai is very famous.May I have a glass of it? appetizing,a.引起欲望或食欲的,促进食欲的 W:Sure.Time flies quickly.You're leaving tomorrow.And 开胃的. would you mind telling us what has impressed you most An appetizing smell from the kitchen.从厨房传 during you stay here? 出来的令人引起食欲的味道 R:Well,what has impressed me deeply here is the beautiful match.t.相配,相适合 The curtains don't match the carpet.窗帘和地毯 scenery,warm-hearted people and especially your work 不相配 efficiency. You should match your words with deeds. 你应该 W:Thank you.I think the contract will bear fruit in no time. 言行一致 I'm looking forward to our continued cooperation and further mind doing sth,介意,反对. extension of our business relations.Let's drink to our Do you mind my opening the window?我j开 successful cooperation.Cheers! 窗户你介意吗? R:So am I.Thank you for your help during my stay here.And Would you mind coming another day?你过一天 再来好吗? thank you for such a wonderful dinner.Cheers! in no time 立即,马上 W:It has been a great pleasure to work with you.Come back At his age he will heal out in on time. 他这伊的 to Shanghai any time. 年纪马上就会痊愈 R:Thank you all.Good night. W:Good nightR: Oh, it’s a feast to feed a small army. W: Mr. Richard, this is Deep Fried Croaker with Tomato Sauce and that is Phoenix-tailed Prawn. Please help yourself to whatever you like. R: (After tasting) It’s very delicious and appetizing! We’re really enjoying” color, flavor and taste” all at the same time. W: We Chinese People often say, “Good dishes should match good liquor.” So I invite you to try some Maotai. R: Oh! Maotai is very famous. May I have a glass of it? W: Sure. Time flies quickly. You’re leaving tomorrow. And would you mind telling us what has impressed you most during you stay here? R: Well, what has impressed me deeply here is the beautiful scenery, warm-hearted people and especially your work efficiency. W: Thank you. I think the contract will bear fruit in no time. I’m looking forward to our continued cooperation and further extension of our business relations. Let’s drink to our successful cooperation. Cheers! R: So am I. Thank you for your help during my stay here. And thank you forsuch a wonderful dinner. Cheers! W: It has been a great pleasure to work with you. Come back to Shanghai any time. R: Thank you all. Good night. W: Good night. feed , v. 喂养,为…….提供食物. We feed our dogs on fresh meat. 我们用新鲜肉喂 狗. He’s got a big family to feed. 他有一大家子人要 养活. appetizing , a. 引起欲望或食欲的,促进食欲的. 开胃的. An appetizing smell from the kitchen. 从厨房传 出来的令人引起食欲的味道 match. vt. 相配,相适合. The curtains don’t match the carpet. 窗帘和地毯 不相配. You should match your words with deeds. 你应该 言行一致. mind doing sth . 介意,反对. Do you mind my opening the window? 我打开 窗户你介意吗? Would you mind coming another day? 你过一天 再来好吗? in no time. 立即,马上. At his age he will heal out in on time. 他这样的 年纪马上就会痊愈
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