Chinese Dinner Party (Mr.Wang is Manager of Shanghai Travel Bureau.He is telling Mr.Richard,the typical,a.典型的,有代表性的, representative of American Tourist Agency,how a In sampling,we choose a small number of items which and Chinese banquet is served.) examine the sample.在采样时,我们选择少量我们认为能 代表整体的东西,并对这个样本进行研究 W:Take your seat,please. surprise,t.使诧异,使惊奇」 R:Thanks.Oh,dinner with chopsticks! These sales figures surprised me.这些销售数值令我吃惊 What a typical Chinese custom!Mr.Wang,I was told that a Chinese banquet always I would not be surprised if he failed the exam. 要是他考试 surprises us big eaters.I've never experienced 失败也不足为奇 that.Could you tell me something about it? assorted,a.各种各样的,混杂的,什锦的 W:With pleasure.A Chinese dinner usually assorted toffees什锦太妃糖 starts with an assorted cold dish.It cam be assorted cold dish.什锦凉菜 follow.v.跟随,接着 mixed seafood,poultry or vegetables.Then The boy followed his father out of the room. 小孩跟随父 comes the shark's fin soup. 亲走出了房间 R:Very interesting.That's all. May follows April.5月在4月之后 W:Not yet.Following the shark's fin soup, finish up.完成,完毕 there will be a chicken dish,a prawn,a duck. We might as well finish up the cake,There isn't much left. Then comes a clear soup,followed by a fish. 我们索性把蛋糕吃完吧.也没剩下多少了 When you see fish,you know that all the main dessert.n.甜食,甜点心 She had homemade ice cream for dessert,她拿自制的冰淇 dishes have been served and the dinner will 淋作甜点心 finish up with rice. conclude,v. R:Really?It's unbelievable. (1) 推断出,推论出.What do you conclude from these W:Lastly,there are two or four kinds of facts?从这些事实中你能得出什么结论? dim sum for dessert,then fresh fruit and a cup The judge conclude that the prisoner was guilty.法官判定 of hot tea to conclude the dinner. 被告有罪 (2)结束.Let's conclude this meeting before5.00.我们5Chinese Dinner Party (Mr. Wang is Manager of Shanghai Travel Bureau. He is telling Mr. Richard, the representative of American Tourist Agency, how a Chinese banquet is served.) W: Take your seat, please. R: Thanks. Oh, dinner with chopsticks! What a typical Chinese custom! Mr. Wang, I was told that a Chinese banquet always surprises us big eaters. I’ve never experienced that. Could you tell me something about it? W: With pleasure. A Chinese dinner usually starts with an assorted cold dish. It cam be mixed seafood, poultry or vegetables. Then comes the shark’s fin soup. R: Very interesting. That’s all. W: Not yet. Following the shark’s fin soup, there will be a chicken dish, a prawn, a duck. Then comes a clear soup, followed by a fish. When you see fish, you know that all the main dishes have been served and the dinner will finish up with rice. R: Really? It’s unbelievable. W: Lastly, there are two or four kinds of dim sum for dessert, then fresh fruit and a cup of hot tea to conclude the dinner. typical , a. 典型的,有代表性的. In sampling , we choose a small number of items which and examine the sample. 在采样时,我们选择少量我们认为能 代表整体的东西,并对这个样本进行研究. surprise , vt. 使诧异,使惊奇. These sales figures surprised me . 这些销售数值令我吃惊 . I would not be surprised if he failed the exam. 要是他考试 失败也不足为奇. assorted , a. 各种各样的,混杂的,什锦的 assorted toffees 什锦太妃糖. assorted cold dish. 什锦凉菜 follow . v. 跟随,接着. The boy followed his father out of the room. 小孩跟随父 亲走出了房间. May follows April. 5月在4月之后. finish up. 完成,完毕, We might as well finish up the cake, There isn’t much left. 我们索性把蛋糕吃完吧,也没剩下多少了. dessert. n. 甜食,甜点心. She had homemade ice cream for dessert. 她拿自制的冰淇 淋作甜点心. conclude , v. (1) 推断出,推论出. What do you conclude from these facts? 从这些事实中你能得出什么结论? The judge conclude that the prisoner was guilty. 法官判定 被告有罪. (2) 结束. Let’s conclude this meeting before 5:00. 我们5 点前结束会议吧
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