14921534 1588160716201754-6017651770 17731774 1776 1776831781 1787 Chapter 4.The Declaration of Independence 4.1 The Boston Massacre (1770) 4.2 The Boston Tea Party (1773) 4.3 Benjamin Franklin Dressed Down (1774) 4.4 The First Continental Congress (1774) 4.5 Common Sense (1776) 4.6 Declaration of Independence (1776) 4.7 American Advantages and DisadvantagesChapter 4. The Declaration of Independence 4.1 The Boston Massacre (1770) 4.2 The Boston Tea Party (1773) 4.3 Benjamin Franklin Dressed Down (1774) 4.4 The First Continental Congress (1774) 4.5 Common Sense (1776) 4.6 Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence (1776) 4.7 American Advantages and Disadvantages