王昆等:无人机遥感在矿业领域应用现状及发展态势 ·1095· 边坡土壤侵蚀速率的方法.水土保持通报,2016,36(6):126) "Gaofen+".Geomat Inform Sci Wuhan Univ,2019,44(7):1082 [41]Zhao X T,Hu K,Lu X P,et al.Precise detection method for mine (唐尧,王立娟,马国超,等.基于“高分+”的金沙江滑坡灾情监 geological disasters using low-altitude photogrammetry based on 测与应用前景分析.武汉大学学报:信息科学版,2019,44(7): unmanned aerial vehicle.Sci Sury Mapp,2014,39(6):49 1082) (赵星涛,胡奎,卢晓攀,等,无人机低空航摄的矿山地质灾害精 [55]Ye W L,Su X,Wei W H,et al.Application of UAV aerial 细探测方法.测绘科学,2014,39(6):49) photograph system in emergency rescue and relief for landslide. [42]D'Oleire-Oltmanns S,Marzolff I,Peter K D,et al.Unmanned Bull Sury Mapp,2017(9):70 aerial vehicle (UAV)for monitoring soil erosion in morocco. 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