One out of ten was badly damaged. 但在非正式文体中,常根据就近原则,把她看成复数,跟复数动词: Only one out of five were present It is estimated that one in every three people there smoke cigarettes. 6.如果主语由more than one.,many a.构成,尽管意义上看是复数内容,单谓语动词仍 然采用单数形式: There is more than one answer to your question. Many a man has sacrificed his life for the cause ofthe revolution. 但是,如more than one后面没有名词,谓语动词即可单数,也可复数,这取决于more和one 两个词中哪个是重读: More than one is going.(one重i读) ‘More than one is going(more重读) 66 One out of ten was badly damaged. 但在非正式文体中,常根据就近原则,把她看成复数,跟复数动词: Only one out of five were present. It is estimated that one in every three people there smoke cigarettes. 6.如果主语由 more than one.,many a.构成,尽管意义上看是复数内容,单谓语动词仍 然采用单数形式: There is more than one answer to your question. Many a man has sacrificed his life for the cause of the revolution. 但是,如 more than one 后面没有名词,谓语动词即可单数,也可复数,这取决于 more 和 one 两个词中哪个是重读: More than ‘one is going. (one 重读) ‘More than one is going. (more 重读)
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