XXII List of Abbreviations standard chemical potential of solute i kJ.mol-! n,nD refractive index(at sodium D line) (co/c) empirical paramet r of solven nucleophilicity(Winstein and Grun ald) nucleophilicity parameter for (nucleophile+solvent)-systems (Ritchie) frequency Hzs- Hz,s-1 公 wavenumber (=1/4) cm-1 rameter. d on a Diels-Alde (Berson) P pressure Pa(←1N:m-2 bar (=10 Pa) re of solven (Palm and Koppel) polarizability P empirical solvent polarity parameter based on 19F NMR measurements (Taft) PA proton affinity kJ.mol-1 empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on theπ* -πemission of pyrene(Winnik) () ter partition coefficient pH -I9HO+1-lg c(H-O+) or puissance d'hydr 1909) -lg K internal pressure of a solvent MPa(=106 Pa) empirical solvent dipolarity/ polarizability parameter,based on theπ一π*absorption of substituted aromatics(Taft and Kamlet)m i standard chemical potential of solute i kJ  mol1 my i standard chemical potential of solute i at infinite dilution kJ  mol1 n; nD refractive index (at sodium D line) (¼ c0=c) N empirical parameter of solvent nucleophilicity (Winstein and Grunwald) Nþ nucleophilicity parameter for (nucleophile þ solvent)-systems (Ritchie) n frequency Hz, s1 n frequency in the gas phase or in an inert reference solvent Hz, s1 n~ wavenumber (¼ 1=l) cm1 W empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on a Diels-Alder reaction (Berson) p pressure Pa (¼ 1N  m2), bar (¼ 105 Pa) P measure of solvent polarizability (Palm and Koppel) P empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on 19F NMR measurements (Taft) PA proton a‰nity kJ  mol1 Py empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on the p ! p emission of pyrene (Winnik) Po=w 1-octanol/water partition coe‰cient (Hansch and Leo) pH lg[H3Oþ], lg c(H3Oþ) (abbreviation of potentia hydrogenii or puissance d’hydroge`ne (So¨rensen 1909) pK lg K p internal pressure of a solvent MPa (¼ 106 Pa) p empirical solvent dipolarity/ polarizability parameter, based on the p ! p absorption of substituted aromatics (Taft and Kamlet) XXII List of Abbreviations
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