List of Abbreviations XXIII empirical solvent dipolarity/ polarizability parameter,based on the r一π*absorption of azo merocyanine dyes (Buncel) hydrophobicity parameter of substituent X in HsCo-X (Hansch) radius of sphere representing an ion cm(=10-2m) or a cavity distance between centres of two ions cm(=10-2m) or molecules density (mass divided by volume) gcm-3 P.PA Hammett reaction resp.absorption constants generalized for solvent Ig k2 for the Menschutkin reaction of tri-n-propylamine with iodomethane (Drougard and Decroocq) standard molar entropy change J.K-1 .mol-! 45 standard molar entropy of activation J.K-1.mol-1 solvophobic power of a solvent (Abraham) SA empirical parameter of solvent hydrogen-bond donor acidity (Catalan) SB oerof n-bond acceptor basicity SPP empirical parameter of solvent dipolarity/polarizability,based on the π-π'absorption of substituted7- nitrofluorenes(Catalan) Hammett substituent constant NMR screening constant Celsius temperature thermodynamic temperature melting point C boiling point U internal energy AU molar energy of vapourization kJ.mol-1 p azo empirical solvent dipolarity/ polarizability parameter, based on the p ! p absorption of azo merocyanine dyes (Buncel) px hydrophobicity parameter of substituent X in H5C6-X (Hansch) r radius of sphere representing an ion or a cavity cm (¼ 102 m) r distance between centres of two ions or molecules cm (¼ 102 m) r density (mass divided by volume) g  cm3 r; rA Hammett reaction resp. absorption constants S generalized for solvent S empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on the Z-values (Brownstein) S lg k2 for the Menschutkin reaction of tri-n-propylamine with iodomethane (Drougard and Decroocq) DS standard molar entropy change J  K1  mol1 DS0 standard molar entropy of activation J  K1  mol1 Sp solvophobic power of a solvent (Abraham) SA empirical parameter of solvent hydrogen-bond donor acidity (Catala´n) SB empirical parameter of solvent hydrogen-bond acceptor basicity (Catala´n) SPP empirical parameter of solvent dipolarity/polarizability, based on the p ! p absorption of substituted 7- nitrofluorenes (Catala´n) s Hammett substituent constant s NMR screening constant t Celsius temperature C T thermodynamic temperature K tmp melting point C tbp boiling point C U internal energy kJ DUv molar energy of vapourization kJ  mol1 List of Abbreviations XXIII
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