XXIV List of Abbreviations Vm:Vmi molar volume (of i) cm3.mol-1 AV* molar volume of activation cm3.mol-1 ,x(@) mole fraction of i(x=ni/>n) X empirical solvent polarity parameter based on an S2 reaction (Gielen and Nasielski) XgXB empirical solvent polarity parameters, kcalmol- based on the n一 absorption of merocyanine dyes(Brooker) oys.wys solvent-transfer activity coefficient of a solute X from a reference solvent (O)or water (W)to another solvent (S) Grunwald) empirical parameter of solvent ionizing power,based on 2-adamantyl tosylate solvolysis(Schleyer and Bentley) 2 charge number of an ion i positive for cations. negative for anions arC2nmeter kcal.mol-! absorpt substituted Pyridinium iodide(Kosower)Vm; Vm; i molar volume (of i) cm3  mol1 DV0 molar volume of activation cm3  mol1 xi; xðiÞ mole fraction of i ðxi ¼ ni= PnÞ X empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on an SE2 reaction (Gielen and Nasielski) wR; wB empirical solvent polarity parameters, based on the p ! p absorption of merocyanine dyes (Brooker) kcal  mol1 OyS X; WyS X solvent-transfer activity coe‰cient of a solute X from a reference solvent (O) or water (W) to another solvent (S) Y empirical parameter of solvent ionizing power, based on t-butyl chloride solvolysis (Winstein and Grunwald) YOTs empirical parameter of solvent ionizing power, based on 2-adamantyl tosylate solvolysis (Schleyer and Bentley) Y measure of solvent polarization (Palm and Koppel) zi charge number of an ion i positive for cations, negative for anions Z empirical solvent polarity parameter, based on the intermolecular CT absorption of a substituted pyridinium iodide (Kosower) kcal  mol1 XXIV List of Abbreviations
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