Annals of Internal Medicine School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine:Susan Ellenberg Uni eity of Pennsyania School of Medicine:Val Gebski,Univer sity of Sydney;Steven Goodman,Clinicl Trials:Joumal of the Sociery for Clinical Trial Peter C.Gousche,Nordic Cochrane Centre:Trish Groves,BM:Steven Grunberg,American Sociery Author Contributions:Conception and design:K.F.Schukz D.G. of Clinical Oncology:Brian Haynes,MeMaster University Sally Alman,D.Moher. Centre in Me Schu D.G.ln D.Mohe nia,Irvine:David Moher Method Centre,Clinical Epidemiology Program,Ottawa Hospital Re- search Institute:Victor M.Montori,Knowledge and Encounter Obiningoffun Research Unit,Mayo Clinic College of Medicine;Cynthia Mul- CollefK.sehu D.Mohe row,Annals of Internal Medicine Stuart Pocock,London Sc cine;Drumn d Rennie,/AM APPENDIX:THE CONSORT GROUP CONTRIBUTORS TO CONSORT 2010 rk:and Elizabeth Wager.Sidevisw Douglas G Altman.centre for Statistics in medicine.Uni Contributors to CONSORT 2010 who did not attend the versity of Oxford:Virginia Barbour,PLoS Medicin sssA.Ber Montebello mecting:Mike Clarke,UK Cochrane Centre,and lin,Johnson&Johnson Pharmaccutical Research and Develop- Gordon Guyatt,MeMaster University.Current Author Addresses: Dr. Schulz: Family Health International, PO Box 13950, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Dr. Altman: Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford, Wolfson College Annexe, Linton Road, Oxford OX2 6UD, United Kingdom. Dr. Moher: Ottawa Methods Centre, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, University of Ottawa, 501 Smyth Road, 6th Floor, Critical Care Wing, Room W6112, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8L6, Canada. Author Contributions: Conception and design: K.F. Schulz, D.G. Altman, D. Moher. Analysis and interpretation of the data: K.F. Schulz, D. Moher. Drafting of the article: K.F. Schulz, D.G. Altman, D. Moher. Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content: K.F. Schulz, D.G. Altman, D. Moher. Final approval of the article: K.F. Schulz, D.G. Altman, D. Moher. Statistical expertise: D.G. Altman, K.F. Schulz. Obtaining of funding: D. Moher. Administrative, technical, or logistic support: D. Moher. Collection and assembly of data: K.F. Schulz, D. Moher. APPENDIX: THE CONSORT GROUP CONTRIBUTORS TO CONSORT 2010 Douglas G. Altman, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Uni￾versity of Oxford; Virginia Barbour, PLoS Medicine; Jesse A. Ber￾lin, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Develop￾ment; Isabelle Boutron, Universite´ Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Assistance Publique des Hoˆpitaux de Paris, INSERM; P.J. Deve￾reaux, McMaster University; Kay Dickersin, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Diana Elbourne, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Susan Ellenberg, Uni￾versity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Val Gebski, Univer￾sity of Sydney; Steven Goodman, Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials; Peter C. Gøtzsche, Nordic Cochrane Centre; Trish Groves, BMJ; Steven Grunberg, American Society of Clinical Oncology; Brian Haynes, McMaster University; Sally Hopewell, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Ox￾ford; Astrid James, The Lancet; Peter Juhn, Johnson & Johnson; Philippa Middleton, University of Adelaide; Don Minckler, Uni￾versity of California, Irvine; David Moher, Ottawa Methods Centre, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Re￾search Institute; Victor M. Montori, Knowledge and Encounter Research Unit, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Cynthia Mul￾row, Annals of Internal Medicine; Stuart Pocock, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; Drummond Rennie, JAMA; David L. Schriger, Annals of Emergency Medicine; Kenneth F. Schulz, Family Health International; Iveta Simera, EQUATOR Network; and Elizabeth Wager, Sideview. Contributors to CONSORT 2010 who did not attend the Montebello meeting: Mike Clarke, UK Cochrane Centre, and Gordon Guyatt, McMaster University. Annals of Internal Medicine www.annals.org 1 June 2010 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 152 • Number 11 W-293
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